Utah elk hunting....
9/12/07 11:50am
My little sister drew a youth elk permit....she can hunt any general open bull Sept 15-25. We are thinking about spending some time in the Uinta's but can decide on exactly where to go. I have heard the south slope (red cloud loop area) is easier hunting and may contain more elk but potentially smaller bulls and that the north slope (east fork blacks fork/china meadows area) is a little tougher hunting maybe less elk but potentially larger bulls. We have spent time in both areas during the summer months and are familiar with both areas but I would like any opinions/advice you guys have. What should we expect hunting both the north slope vs slope slope in these specific areas? Is it realistic to try to hold off for a decent 6x6 or should my sister be happy with a rag horn? I know there are plenty of you guys that either live in that area or know it well....any ideas or expectations you could provide would be appreciated. My sister is very excited for this hunt and would love to tag a decent bull.

9/12/07 3:11pm
Don't know what to tell ya there but good luck. And welcome to the maddness

9/12/07 9:49pm
I would shoot the first raghorn you see.

9/12/07 10:17pm

9/13/07 5:46am
o theres quite a few nice ones in there. Just its so thick you usually cant get close enough for a shot.