Utah Gen. Archery....3 days!!!!

So I have the Wasatch West archery tag. It starts in 3 days. I expect everybody to give me the exact location of a few nice bucks that I can choose from. Don't have to be huge, anything over 180" is fine. Close to a road is preferable. Thanks for helping!
Sorry guys, I'm jump PUMPED that hunting season is finally here and I can't focus at work haha. Good luck everyone! Who else has archery tags starting up!?
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I have a tag and it'll be the third year in a row I miss the opener, not a big loss but it's a bummer knowing I could be hunting and I'm not.
Didn't even pull a tag this year. :(
Wasatch West tag for me too.

But here I sit with a broken leg and a tear in my eye. :>/
Wasatch West tag also, and I will probably miss the opener as well. :>/

Good luck to all
DANG! Well all you guys that can't hunt, feel free to help a brother out that can! Lol. This is my first time in Wasatch West. I've been scouting on the east side of Cascade Mountain...Perfect looking country...no deer ?!? I'm gonna keep at it though, it's the only area I've gotten to know the land a little bit. Good luck to all! a_bow_nut sorry about your leg brother! That's rough :/ 9er.....no excuses.