utah hunt age?
6/16/06 12:53am
hey all of you from utah i heard that they were thinkin to change the big game limit in utah from 14 to 12. this ws a few months back that i heard but i just want to know if it was approved or not. thats just what we need more hunters :2
Utah is not the only state taking a hard look at minimum age requirements for hunters so this is something that a lot of us will deal with in one form or another. And, to be honest, I am not too upset about it. I think we NEED to get more of the younger folks involved in hunting. I realize that all kids develop differently and one 12 year old may not be mature enough to handle a loaded firearm while others have done it pretty much since they could walk (My sons being in the latter catergory). If you don't get them involved early, and don't teach them what hunting REALLY means, then you loose them. If we as Americans loose interest then it makes it easier for non-hunting groups, animal rights groups, etc to dig thier claws into this wonderful pasttime and before you know it...it's gone.
These kids are the ones that will grow up and run our country when we're old and feeble. Personally I want my sons to have the opportunity to hunt for as long as they so choose. And if they choose not to at least they will understand why others do it and will be less apt to act against it. These kids are the future of America, and in turn, the future of hunting and gun ownership. The earlier you teach them, the more responsible they become, and more appreciative they are of OUR wonderful pasttime.
I appreciate your concerns though and over-pressure is something that most of us deal with. A double-bladed sword I guess you can call it, but I am willing to deal with it if it means that I'll be able to hunt for as long as I want to.
What I think I'm tryin' to say is (I'm getting old so my mind wanders now and again) is "Get the kids outside, away from the TV and video games, and show them what the great outdoors has to offer. Teach them that hunting is getting away from it all, enjoying time with close friends and family and trying to outsmart some of the most beautiful and intelligent animals on the planet. Actually harvesting an animal should come SECOND to all of this....after all, once you knock one down the fun ends and the work begins!".
PLEASE feel free to post your opions and thoughts without worrying about getting insulted or "screamed" at about them and if my response seemed harsh in any way, I apologize.