Utah hunting guide (proclamation) question?
12/30/07 10:16am
So this year we have to have a big game hunting permit or a combination in order to put in for the hunts. My question is this. If my combination expires the middle of January, do I need to have a updated permit for the upcoming season or, if I get my application turned in before the permit expires will I be okay, I plan to get a new combination right away but I don't know if I need to wait to apply for the hunts untile after i get the new permit?
Does all this rambling make sense to anyone. I tried to look it up on the pdf version of the proclamation but could not find anything that would clarify that for me.
Does all this rambling make sense to anyone. I tried to look it up on the pdf version of the proclamation but could not find anything that would clarify that for me.
I think that I'll just wait till this one expires and do it all at once.
I should have checked my email first.
They said that it only has to be current through the application period. They also said that if you wanted to you could buy a new one now and it would just replace the old one. That way it wouldn't expire half way through the draw period every year.