utah hunts

How did everyone do? lets see some pics and stories!!!!!!

I didn't go hunting yesterday but I did scout out one of my old honey holes. I wanted to see how many archers were hunting in this area this year. They were out in force and bucks were running all over. In two hours I saw 70-80 deer with about 30 of them being bucks. Two of them were really nice! It's time to get the old smokepole out and practice a little.
Saw a little spike last night. Could of jumped out of my stand and rode him around for a minute but I decided to take a nap instead. Does that mean that I'm getting old?
haha no your not old i take naps all the time zzz
I mostly spent the day depressed cause I didn't have an archery tag. Wishing I was 'out and about' chasing mulies.

Maybe I should have gone out to check up on fellow hunters and video them in their attempts. :) That would've been fun eh?
Brett, You want to talk about spending the day depressed. I do have an archery tag and never took my my bow with me yesterday and to see buck after buck after buck getting blown out of their feeding areas by all these bow hunters walking around was kind of fun to watch. I did see a good escape route 11 bucks used. I just might be sitting in that same escape route next year. :-$
sound like a few of you were seeing some younger bucks

4 does & 1 fawn - I was pissed cause I was sitting well hidden (both shelter for sight and scent) in a great area and could glass a ton of land. Really pissed me off for some reason but thats just the way it goes somtimes I suppose.

a_bow_nut, you crack me up the way you say stuff but no, i dont think that means your gettin old - I'm lean mean n 17 and ill admit, only to make you feel better, i did nap for about 20 minutes around 10AM after seein only those does. Course I was out the whole day friday (from morning) scouting and covering every piece of land I could til my thumb got sore on the 4 wheeler and my legs to tired to shift gears (haha, just kiddin, i walked most of the day, well about half the day and rode half the day) then that night when i got home I just fixed up some ground beef, graded cheese, pace hot salsa, a little lettuce, and enjoyed some of the most refreshing nachos ever when i got a call from a buddy wanted to go out coon huntin but we were headed an hour drive south to meet up with some of his old friends so we had to leave immediately. needless to say i rushed the half full plate of my most treasured nachos supreme that my stomach was dying for to pops who was lyin on the sofa, shoes kicked off supposedly enjoying the Angels game he had taped but mostly just yellin at the TV, rushed up to the kennel, loaded the hounds and I was off - got home 3:30 am after wearin myself down chasin coons through all kinds of environments (people dont think a little coon hunt is anything but ill tell ya they can wear at ya a good fair bit) showered first thing, got all camoed out, cooked up some eggs/bacon/sausage, loaded up the 4 wheeler, snarfed a bowl of lucky charms (thought it might help but it didnt) and took off a little before 5 on the wheeler, got to the spot by 5: 15 and hiked til 6 30 when i got into what i thought was prime-time country.

wow i blabber a lot, well anyways, i was tired so maybe that was why i napped - so after thinking about it, maybe it does mean your bodys runnin over the hill, cause i have somewhat of an excuse :-k
hound_hunter, are you hunting all three seasons this year through the 18 and under program?
yes sir :) - holdin out for the big one :thumb
hound_hunter, I've done plenty of scouting above Bountiful too. I know, I know, you guys are starting to think this ridgetop or cowdell or what ever his name is sure gets around and the answer is, yes I do. I think I'll go by the name ridgetop for now on from the request of out2hunt. Anyway PM me were you have been scouting and hunting up there and I will give you some advice if you like. Keep the faith.
i dont do archery but i was out shooting my smokepole yesterday and probaly a few times and my guns dead on. just waitng for sept. then i could get out there huntin. then if i dont get me a deer there then i could hunt the rifle.
pm sending ridgetop...or live2hunt...or whoever the heck you are :) thanks pal :)
Here is a pic of the spike that walked by.

http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a342/nanieanderson/spike.jpg" alt="" />

Now I remember why I didn't jump. It's way to far down. #-o
Good grief, how high up are you. Hope your strapped in good.

Why not come down a bit? Spook the deer I assume. ???
The hillside that this spring in is on is kind of steep. I would say that the stand is around twenty five feet up in a big old pine tree. This puts the stand just above the spring and gives you a twenty six yard shot to the spring. After watching all of the deer that afternoon water at other spots than the spring Treetop and I talked about moving the stand to cover some of the other spots better instead of just having a shooting lane on the spring only. Like all hunting spots it's a work in progress. This is a real neat spot and after pouring over the trail cam pictures we know that there are five different bucks working that spring so it's only a matter of time before we get one of the bigger ones in. YEah I had my safety harness on the whole time. That far up the old tree has a tendency to sway a bit.
Thanks for the info, I'm a fan of you and the bro., so we need to keep you guys around awhile. :)
bowhunter 616
eight more days till my opener,i can't wait AAAAAAAAAAAA :tz :tz :tz
has anybody got there buck yet if ya did i want to hear the story and see some pics
a bow nut

glad to know you have a harness, i was in my stand one year, the wind picked up and i couldnt take it, i had to climb out. any new news from the hunts?


I don't think you are high enough. You need to go higher. Make sure you have your spotting scope with you. Binos won't be enought. LOL.

LOL. Yeah I think that there is another six or eight feet of tree left before it turnes into just branches. I'll mount that spotting scope to my bow and paint some crosshairs on it. :))

It's kind of nice when the wind gets to blowing it's like sitting in a great big rocking chair.
That photo brought back memories of a hunt I did with my buddy Drew, he put that little stand 30 feet in the air and it was tilted down at a angle. Plus he didn't leave me a safety belt. :-k I always thought we were friends..... :tz I'm thankful, I didn't have any shooters come in as I might not be here if I had to draw my bow back. :arrow

a_bow_hunt, What pin do you use at that height?

DeadI, That was funny. :thumb
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This is my buck from this years hunt.

http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m32/HurriMuley/Mule%20deer/Darylsbuck.jpg" alt="" />

SWEET!! and WELCOME!! :good post ::wel

What a way to introduce yourself, I've been dying to see some archery bucks and your the first one to come through.

Congrats on a dandy buck, and hey your close to home.

Tell us some more about yourself and the hunt when you get a chance.


I've never tried a shot like that and I was wondering what pin to use myself. After awhile it came to me to just drop the arrow and it would have plenty of time to get the speed it needed to get the penatration that I wanted. :)


Good grascious that's a nice buck you have there. Good job. =D>

Now if that buck had walked under my stand I would have jumped on him for a ride. :tz

Excellent buck. I didn't shoot a deer that big, but I was able to put some meat in the freezer. We (my dad, brother, buddy, his brother, and I) all had a good hunt. We all filled our tags!!! Nothing huge but overall for all 5 of us to fill our tags is quite the accomplishment. Anyway i'll post some pics as soon as I can get them from my dad. Let's hear about some more success.

I don't care about the size, I wanna see those pics. :)

i shot a 2 point in the head but never found it!!!
Your suppose to shoot them in the "HEART" and lungs you know.

Bummer. :>/ :>/
Aaron I kinda feel your pain. I shot mine in the neck because I flinched and pulled my shot. Luckily I hit his spine and dropped him in his tracks. I'll have pics up tomorrow of our hunt
great buck hurri and sorry you didnt get your buck to arron
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Bow nut was hunting one of my stands when he took that picture. The hill is so steep that the stand is 50 feet up in the tree and has a leval 20 yard shot to the spring.
Nut says that the deer have started watering down the hill from the spring, thus the birds eye picture.
Time to move the stand to a different tree. Which is fine by me the spring it's self is right on the edge of a forrest circus hiking trail. But I have never seen another person up there. later Treetop

I've never tried a shot like that and I was wondering what pin to use myself. After awhile it came to me to just drop the arrow and it would have plenty of time to get the speed it needed to get the penatration that I wanted.
Bow nut, LOL! =D> At that height that arrow might make it to 300 fps before it hit the deer.
Muley madness,
it was a down hill shot and i had to guess on the pin because i dont have a 20 yard pin! just 30 40 and 50!!! Plus the buck was running away so i just took a guessing quick shot and i hit him in the head!!! But its ok i still have 3 weeks of the bow hunt and also i have the rifle hunt too!!!
Plus the buck was running away so i just took a guessing quick shot and i hit him in the head!!!
Aaron, have you been watching those Tred Barta shows? :arrow
NO i havent!! never heard of it!!!
Aaron, Tred had a show on TV the other week and he was taking shots like that @ caribou.

I hope the rest of your season goes good for you. Have fun and be safe. :)
yep i seen that and i think you can guess how it turned out with all of the times he shot at it while it was running :>/
Holy crap Aaron, You picked the right site to make a comment like that. People around here are very forgiving. Just for fun, make that same comment about hitting a running buck in the head and then loosing it on the UDWR site and see what kind off comments you get.
NO its ok ridge top!!! they would make it so i cant hunt anymore! ahha jk!
has anyone here been to monticell utah for any hunts?
Woops! thats monticello utah!
never been down that way

Here is a buck taken in 2000 by Monticello...

http://www.muleymadness.com/gallery/d/15497-2/WALT1.jpg" alt="" />
NICE BUCK!!! There arent as many big bucks down there this year like there used to be!!!
that is a nice buck
Here are some pics of my hunt finally... Like I said nothing real big but definately a couple of trophies in my book!

http://photomax.com/volume14/webpics/medpics/685/88/68588_62366_20154031_1156536764md19aeba6cb05531e21db7b1f7f57fb73e.jpg" alt="" />
This is my buddy Scott his arrow kinda took off on him and found this tree. Oh man was that funny!!!!

http://photomax.com/volume14/webpics/medpics/686/83/68683_62366_20154146_1156536907mdba2f0798e2294b83c9189b8db962968b.jpg" alt="" />
My buddy Scott and his buck

http://photomax.com/volume13/webpics/medpics/632/58/63258_62366_20377941_1156865303md8741d00064fc4833d6f1425a69b6822e.jpg" alt="" />
This is what it is all about Dutch oven eatin and tellin stories!!!

http://photomax.com/volume13/webpics/medpics/632/59/63259_62366_20377942_1156865304md7fc1baa9c8999675392e2910361b222e.jpg" alt="" />
This is me with my buck not a great picture of him. Best one I had. My 5th with a bow.

http://photomax.com/volume14/webpics/medpics/686/84/68684_62366_20154147_1156536908md62972296c61bb492438348d1a8f6742c.jpg" alt="" />
My dad and his 29th buck with a bow!!!

http://photomax.com/volume14/webpics/medpics/688/11/68811_62366_20154288_1156537118md094453b76e89caae42fd9ca99836a575.jpg" alt="" />
My dad and I packing up and heading out

http://photomax.com/volume14/webpics/medpics/686/80/68680_62366_20154143_1156536904md20311ca651ec96114688e03b4e9f61b1.jpg" alt="" />
One of my favorite pictures from the hunt!

We took two more deer but my dad never took pictures of them.
Great pics, looks like a great time with lots of success stories.

Thanks for sharing the pics!! The last pic is very nice.

And 29th buck with a bow for your DAD, very impressive!!

Great photos! I like camp pictures but it sure makes me want to be in the mountains. ](*,)

I second what Brett said, 29th bow buck! =D> Your Dad must be fun to learn from.
Yeah I want to be back out there again, but my hunt is over for mule deer anyway. My dad is a great guy to learn from I owe a lot of my success to him. We went out and shot a lot this summer together and had a lot of fun doing it. Then when the hunt came I was able to range his buck for him and then he took the shot it was an awesome experience. The only thing I wish that would have been different is the fact that if I would have been filming it instead of having the camcorder on my back in a back pack!
The only thing I wish that would have been different is the fact that if I would have been filming it instead of having the camcorder on my back in a back pack!
I feel your pain. You carry those things for 30 hours of hunting, put it away for a few minutes to take a rest and then the action starts. ](*,)

I had that happen last year on a antelope hunt, we filmed everything, except what was most important. It makes you wonder how many hunting shows there could have been, if.......? #-o
looks like fun, 29th buck with a bow crazy. its always great to make memories with your family and friends in the field. love the pics
Hurrimuley, utbowhunter23, GREAT PICS!!!! Like Brett stated earlier, I've been waiting for the pics to start rolling in! CONGRATS TO everyone involved! (Man, I can't wait to hit the hills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The buck i shot at and hit in the head was wider and taller then those bucks!!!
Aaron, I'm still trying to figure out if your for real? ???

Also, I once saw a buck bigger than the one you shot in the head!
ya Aaron that was disrespecful man
sorry! gosh!!! haha i was just saying~!
great pics
Aaron, It is a good thing that you are not on that other Utah forum. You would get eaten alive. Please think before you post. :-$ :-k

Oh and are you really that proud of hitting a deer in the head and not being able to find it.

On another note, congrats to the successfull hunters here on this post. I am still waiting for that day to harvest my first archery buck. Seeing these successfull posts fuels the fire to go out hunting.
Dead I
no im not that proud! i was just tellin people about my hunt! isnt that what this whole topic is about???
It is fine that you are letting all of us know that you are seeing bigger deer and that is great and telling us all about your hunt, but in my opinion that is not what it is about... it is about the art and skill of getting yourself close enough to harvest an animal...of course all of us want to get a "Monster", but anyone that takes an animal with a bow should consider it a trophy.(Especially Mule Deer) Just like DeadI said think before you post.

Thanks to all of the congratulations by the way. It was an unbelieveable hunt to go 5 for 5!