Utah Monroe Muzzleloader Elk

Hello there, I am from the lovely state of North Dakota, and I just got word that my sister-in-law drew a muzzleloader bull tag for Monroe. Any info on terrain type, animal quality etc. would be awesome. She's so damn lucky, it takes me 3 or 4 years to get a whitetail license up here and she off and pulls this thing out!! My brother, dad, and I are planning on heading down there with her, just hoping to get a feel for the area, I've never even been to Utah, but hunted elk 6 or 7 times in Colorado and Montana. According to the history it says the average age of bulls taken is 7.3, which tells me that a 340-350 bull is definitely not out of the question. Any input would be greatly appreciated!!!

My email is benbuntrock@hotmail.com if you would rather use that.

Again any help would be greatly appreciated as we try to make the most out of this rare opportunity. Thanks
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the tag. A 340-350 bull is definetly not out of the question. For the past couple of years there have been bull up into the 400 range. To get a bull that size you will need to work for it but they are there. As far as the country goes be ready to do some hiking and more hiking and watching a bunch of bulls going nuts. But it will be a great time. I will ask around on spots to start looking in and let you know what I find out. I have some family down that way.
Hey, Thanks for the info, I'm so damn excited I've been trying to find out as much as possible about it. I'm gonna have to brush up on my judging skills as I've only seen 2 or 3 300"+ bulls in the wild in my life (the drawback of hunting colorado!!). My dad used to raise elk, so he's pretty good at judging them, so we'll see how it goes. There looks to be a lot of roads in the area, and the terrain (from pics) doesn't look nearly as extreme as the crap we bowhunt in Montana, however, my sister in law never made it more than 3-4 miles back with us there. From the ariel views if looks like there aren't nearly as many roadless areas as what I'm used too. Gonna have to get her started shooting the Knight!!!
Again thanks for the help, any more info would be awesome. I don't have much to offer in return except for a full post hunt report and pics as well as a very extensive knowledge of all things waterfowl in the Dakotas!!! Let me know if I can be of assistance to any of ya!!
Lots of Elk in that unit, and yes some fantastic bulls killed every year.

Don't have specifics because I've never hunted the unit. But it has a GREAT reputation and kills nice bulls and some whoppers every year.

Good luck!
congrates on the tag, i got a buddy that lives right there i'll see if i can get anything to help!
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That's my backyard. A Great time will be had by all!
BrokenBone, What's the terrain like? Any towns close enough to stay in and hunt out of or should a guy camp? Is it worth bringing a quad? What caliber of bull would you personally hold out for if you had a muzzleloader tag there? Are there any concurrent seasons where a guy could shoot a cow or doe or anything (I'm giving up my montana trip to go along due to scheduling conflicts, just thinking it would be nice to be able to personally kill something!!!). Thanks in advance for the help.
Good to know,i wont have to worry about running into you over here in this "crap" we have in MT. :222
I apologize if I came off wrong, I guess I used the wrong word. The area we hunt in montana is really extreme country, it's a ball breaker for me and my flatland body! But I definitely love it!! I didn't mean it literally when I called it "crap", perhaps I should have said "terrain" or "stuff". Sorry if I have offended you. (???)
The Ox
never been to the monroe unit but its a great unit i know a few who know the area . a 360+ is not outta the question and 400 class bulls do reside there. you'll have to put some work to get the bigger bulls but it will be worht it. and im sure someone on here is familiar enough with the unit to assisit you with some good starting points. if i knew the area i sure would.
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Good to Great unit. We had a friend of the family who drew that tag last year, we just happen to be down there on the general season muzzleloader and got the chance to assist with the bull that he killed. Let me put it this way, his bull had 61 1/2" main beams, and scored out at 391 and change.

We've hunted down there and we've seen some toads. Big Country and lots of it, but you'll have the chance to see some great animals.

Good luck, and keep us posted here on the forums of the action.
Here is a bull that was harvested there last fall. He was a 7x7 that grossed over 380 but, the bull broke 2 points. As is, he gross scores over 360."
She drew a great tag! But almost any elk tag in Utah is a great hunt. The general season muzzleloader deer hunt will be going on at the same time, so there will be a few people around that might tell you if they have seen a good bull. Richfield, Monroe, Marysville, and Koosharem are close by, but I would camp out....that's half the fun! Good luck.
Congratas to ur sister-in-law :thumb

Should be a heck of a trip. lots of GREAT Bulls down there.

Good luck,
Thanks for all the help guys!!! This sure is a cool sight, seems like a lot of guys that really know what their talking about. I really appreciate all the insight, my brother, sister-in-law, and my dad usually hunt together, but mostly general muzzleloader in colorado (raghorns), and archery in montana. There's some nice bulls in Montana, but you don't see much of them because it's all black timber. So needless to say we're all pretty excited just to get out there and see some big bulls!!! I will definitely give a post game report with pictures when we get back.
Send me a PM when the hunt gets closer. I might be helping out on an early bull rifle hunt on that unit, which will be right before her hunt.