Utah non resident Any Bull Elk Unit
7/4/07 5:09pm
I am new to the forums and new to elk hunting. I got a Bull tag for any bull elk unit in Utah and not sure whether to hunt Kolob Mountain, Henry mountains or around San Rafeal North? Not to familiar with the areas. Any help would be appreciated! Kolob is the most favorable, yet I am told there is a lot of private land up there.
There are some older bulls there though, it has only been open to elk hunting about 5 years now, but i remember seeing elk there 15 years ago when it was open for deer hunting. Unless you know someone or can get any info on the latest elk reports and their positive, the Henry's would be my last choice of the other areas you listed.
(and no, i don't elk hunt there and am just trying to protect my honey hole)
Good Luck! 4c
Since your from Henderson, you show me how and where to "hit the big one" in Las Vegas next time i'm down there playing, and i'll put you on a good Utah bull. =D>