Utah non resident Any Bull Elk Unit

I am new to the forums and new to elk hunting. I got a Bull tag for any bull elk unit in Utah and not sure whether to hunt Kolob Mountain, Henry mountains or around San Rafeal North? Not to familiar with the areas. Any help would be appreciated! Kolob is the most favorable, yet I am told there is a lot of private land up there.
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Well i can tell you something about the Henry's, it has a very low elk population. They didn't even put them there, nor do they want them there due to food and range competition with all the buffalo that live there.
There are some older bulls there though, it has only been open to elk hunting about 5 years now, but i remember seeing elk there 15 years ago when it was open for deer hunting. Unless you know someone or can get any info on the latest elk reports and their positive, the Henry's would be my last choice of the other areas you listed.

(and no, i don't elk hunt there and am just trying to protect my honey hole)
Kolob is about 99% private but up on cedar mnt. by highway 14, there is more public land in that area.
Heads or Tails
I wish you the best of luck. You can take your chances up on Cedar Mountain in the sea of orange and dodging private property, but I'll be honest--it can be slim. The Henries are very low population as mentioned, don't know much about San Rafeal, I have heard good reports on some of the areas in the Uintas, you can get away from the crowds in some of those areas. I agree with Skull Krazy, Henries would probably be my last choice of what you mentioned, from the areas you mentioned I would probably go Kolob, San Rafeal and then Henries. People luck out on Kolob every year, it is a bit of a crap shoot, but it can be worth a shot.

Good Luck! 4c
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Thanks that helps rule out the Henry's. I kind of jumped the gun on the elk tag. I get tired of being blanked on NV tags, and hopped on the chance for a Utah Elk hunt. I have my work cut out. The Southern areas where my favorites because it would favorable to scout it out first, yet There are plenty of Areas up North that I am not familiar with like: Nine Mile, Fillmore, South Slope, Chalk Creek, East Cyn. Basically any bull elk unit on pg 48 of Big game Proc. I will go anywhere the Bulls are. I wonder if any of the land owners on Kolob are willing to sell permits to hunt on their land. I have an uncle that has given me some areas that have bulls outside of Huntington and Emry down by Castle Valley Ranch! Thanks for the insights they are appreciated!!!
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You may want to check fire conditions on the South Slope before you add that one to your possibles. Close to 42,000 acres burned so far and only 50% contained. Some say it will be winter before it actually burns out.
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hunter13, i'll make a deal with ya.
Since your from Henderson, you show me how and where to "hit the big one" in Las Vegas next time i'm down there playing, and i'll put you on a good Utah bull. =D>
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Skull Crazy, I wish I could comitt to that, but If I new where and how to hit the big one I would be doing Guided Polar Bears Hunts in Alaska! I do have some good connections for Hotel rooms and some other perks of being in Vegas! Hopefully that interests you. I could definately make your Vegas stay a lot nicer. :thumb
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Id sugest oak creek north I took a 300 bull out of it and I took my brother in law out on a youth hunt and he killed a 360 bull if I can find the pics I will post them
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Thanks , I will look into that area, I have some family that lives close to fillmore. Any certain area to go up there??