Utah Non-resident OTC
Grim Archer
11/9/12 12:11pm
hey guys, im looking for some info on hunting utah for a non-resident otc. would love to find a unit i could find decent bulls and bucks for a combo hunt. im not looking for monster trophys just something bigger than socal offers. any info would be appreciated and im not afraid to put in the time with glass just looking for some info where to start. thanks in advance. and until then let your arrows flight straight and true!
It's been a while but I believe the extended archery season starts mid September and goes until mid December roughly but you can't hunt bucks in December.
Stating that you would like to hunt a nice bull you first step would be to look into the open bull units that are avalible. Once that you have picked a unit you will need to look for a deer unit in that area also to put in for. On a side note the DWR has made it's recommendations for the 2013 season and it includes opening two more areas to general season open bull hunting. The two areas that they are talking about changing are the Beaver unit on the west side of I-15 and the Fillmore Oak Creek South unit. For deer hunting the Fillmore unit has a limited enty unit on it but there are general season units that are close by to hunt.
The Wasatch front extended unit does run until the end of november for the hunters choice and then antlerless only until mid december, but the antlerless portion may be going away next year also.