Utah Northern Region Rifle Hunt

I'm a new resident of Utah originally from Wisconsin. I drew a northern region buck deer tag and am looking for advice on short notice of where to go. I am planning on trying to go into the high uintas around Whitney Resevoir or the east fork of the bear river unless I get some better advice. This will be my first year of hunting mule deer so I expect it to be a learning experience. Any advice is really appreciated! Looking forward to enjoying the forum. Thanks, PG
That's a good area, but popular with good access so you won't be alone there. Also be careful not to go too far west, you'll get into some private land and the owners can be pretty rough on those that end up on their land by mistake. But, I saw a couple really good bucks in that area this summer.
The region boundary goes all the way to about Hoop Lake on the east, there's good access all along the North Slope, my family has taken good deer out of the Henry's Fork area in the past, too.
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Thanks Derek. I figured it would be heavily hunted, but i'm assuming most publiic lands are heavily hunted out here. I'm looking forward to the new adventure though. Thanks for the input. PG