Utah Plateau Unit Pronghorn

Hello all - first time posting here. I have hunted Utah Elk & Deer for years, but this year just my sons (13 & 15) drew antler-less pronghorn tags for the Plateau unit. We will be driving up from San Diego, so won't be able to scout as much as I'd like - the season is during their school year. I really believe the preparation and scouting time we invest make the hunt that much better; that is how we EARN the animal..... But, that being said, I'd like my boys to have a solid chance of filling their tags. So, can anyone offer any advice on this unit? Which areas, roads, etc are most likely to be good areas to find does?

I appreciate any advice.... thanks.

Springville Shooter
I have hunted the unit a few times and think that you will probably have a pretty good chance at a doe. This is one case where scouting is not really necessary and you would be wasting your time and gas to drive out from Cali. There are antelope all across the zone and by the time you hunt, they will have been scattered and driven all across the plateau. Add to that the rest of the 500 doe permit holders(including my youngest daughter) and there will be no ryme nor reason to the herd. You will simply need to find them where they are that day and hope you are able to stalk into a reasonable shot.---SS
Thanks Springville, I appreciate the response. We'll have three full days and can hopefully get on some herds during that time. It is a big area...but 500 tags?? Going to be crowded.


Springville Shooter
It will be very crowded, but this herd has historically been subject to massive pressure. There are a lot of animals and I would bet that this doe hunt will still boast 50% success rates even with the huge numbers. Stay away from the weekends if you can. Lot's of folks will treat this hunt pretty casually and there should be some respite during the mid-week times. That is when I will be down with my daughter. Best-O-Luck and maybe I'll run into you on the plateau.----SS
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that was very informative...
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Springville, what report can you give about the 2014 antelope season on the Parker? I'm thinking about using my points for it this year, and only have a few days left to decide. I'd go after (rifle) buck, and I'll hold out for a better-than-average one. Willing to look in every canyon, walk every draw. Are there any trophy bucks to be had?
Springville Shooter

Sorry I didn't see this in time to help you out before you made your decision. If you ended up with a tag I will be more than happy to help out all I can. I will warn you that better than average on the Plateau is a 14" mid 70's goat. If you can live with that then you should have fun. Let me know.-----–SS