Utah Rifle Season

In the beginning of August I posted asking for some input for the Beaver area for my sons rifle hunt. I received no response. So here goes again....My 13 year old son(not me) has a tag for the Beaver hunting zone this year. We know nothing about this area and due to unforeseen complications we have not been able to get up there to scout the area. Any information that you could pass on would be helpful. I'm not trying to get someone’s secret area for monster bucks just info on places to start. Thank you in advance

Sorry Todd, don't know the area that well but hopefully someone might point you the right direction. Welcome to the forum!

Part of the challenge with the request your making for information is that it happens to often. Guys join the forum and then post a question asking for help and then are never heard from again. People might be more likely to help if they get the feeling that you plan stick around and contribute to the forum. Food for thought....that's all.
I shot a mountain goat the first of October on Beaver. I didn't see any big bucks and the muzzleloader hunters I talked to seemed a little discouraged, but I can give you some general info. It's some neat country and I would be prepared to do a lot of hiking. Shoot me a PM and I will give you some more info.
Sorry to side track....but Torch, Did you post the pics and story about your goat?
I would try the foothills between Sulferdale and Manderfield. I always see dead deer along the freeway in that area, all time of the year. So I know the deer should be there. Good luck.
johnyutah5, I posted up a picture of my mountain goat in the goat forum.
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I can't tell ya any specific areas to go to but anytime I've been in or around Beaver I always see some good bucks from the road!