Utah's GOV Tag & Sportmans Tag - Filled

Okay after talking with one of the guides to the Governors tag, I figured I'd post a quick blurb.

So rumor has it...actually confirmed truth that the GOV tag was filled Thursday the 4th at about 5 PM. Awesome buck, yes I've seen several photos of him but DO NOT have permission to post and so I will not. But this buck has TONS of mass, about 46" worth and is 34 1/2" wide. Killed and guided by a bunch of great guys (some members here on MuleyMadness), I won't pressure them to chime in unless they want to. :)

Rough gross score of 207", but he looks a lot more impressive than the score so no worries about that.

Also the Sportsmans tag was also rumored to have tagged out out yesterday on the Henry Mtns., some busted tines but a huge buck with a big score. Congrats to HER, the husband and Crew. I know they put a ton of miles in and lots of gas money etc.
10sign: 10sign:

So it looks like Utah's tags are officially over for 2008, a great year! :thumb
I heard they paid a 10 grand finders fee is this true ? I cant wait to see the photos :thumb
CONGRATS to the holders of both tags! Sounds like a couple pigs hit the deck on these hunts...can't wait till the pics start making the rounds.
isn't the sportsmans tag are own member, READY? hope she shares with us!
congrats to the hunters and those involved!!!

the gov's buck looks like a dandy, and can you say "mass"

cant wait to see the sportsman's buck

Yes this is our own member Ready! Rumor is the score is 220-230" range with several inches of busted tines. WOW. :)

As for the finder fee, not sure but not important to me anyway. :)
I seen Ready on earlier tonight im just waiting for the report and some pics as far as the finders fee i wasnt being negative about it just thought that was cool if some guys off of here got some extra cash for x-mas
I didn't know that Ready had that tag!!!

We should get exclusive first looks at the monster, wouldn't ya think?!?!? lol
I just seen a pic that is a monster buck :thumb
Now we need to see Ready's monster
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I personally saw the governor's tag buck and it is truly massive. It has some broken points but is still huge. I have some pictures but like Brett said I don't think they want them posted yet. Congrats to the hunters.
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OK guys! The rumor is true! I finally got my monster buck! He is a STUD!!!!!! :)

I know you are all wanting to know the score so here you go:

230 & 2/8"

He has over 21" of broken points that were there on Dec 1st!

That's right, if he would have been more cooperative on Monday (or even before that) he would have a gross score over 250!!!!!

The score really doesn't matter anyway because he is awesome to me. He is about as massive as a deer gets, has a main frame over 200" and has stickers everywhere!

I guess you can only count points that go over 1 inch, so that will make him 14X9. I thought 18X10 sounded better, but whatever!

For everyone out there that helped with this hunt, thank you all. :) :thumb

CONGRATS Stephanie!!! That is absolutely AWESOME!!! :not-worthy

Of course, I would LOVE to see some pics of the beast but I also understand that you may be saving them for something else.

Either way, I am pretty pumped that a member here at MuleyMadness was able to get this tag and bring home what is certainly a buck of a lifetime! :thumb
He has over 21" of broken points that were there on Dec 1st!
WOW, ugghh your kidding me. STEPH that deer is a BEAST regardless, I'm dying to see the photos. Unreal, congrats BIG TIME to you and all involved.
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I forgot to talk about the finders fee. My husband found my buck, so I'll have to ask him what his fee is (we didn't negotiate that beforehand!). #-o

Not to take away from everyone that helped, though, there were lots of people that spent lots of hours helping me with my hunt. :thumb

We are still unpacking and I've got to get to the taxidermist, but I will get back with you all about the details.

Talk to you all later,

I really admire you and your husbands dedication, and the reward is an AMAZING deer. Now get some rest at some point. :))
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Stephanie you ROCK!!!!
I love that mass, can't wait to see.
Congrats Stephanie!!!! After reading all these posts I am ready for some pics though!!! Lets see these monsters!
I've been waiting to hear the great news. Sounds like you got "the dream buck" you were after. Congrats bigtime to you and your husband. 10sign: 10sign: 10sign:
big time congrats stephanie. cant wait to see some pics. you and your husband sound like you really busted your $%#@ to get a great deer! congrats again :thumb
I have a deer mounted that the cape and face has some scaring i think it looks cool shows off that he was a fighter
Ready do you have pics of the buck before it was broken up?
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Ok i have seen pictures of the governor tag buck but i have yet to see pictures of the sportsmans tag buck. What is the deal its the biggest buck killed in 2008 and nobody knows how to post a damn picture of the thing? Get with the program and post some pictures? I was being patient for awhile but honestly lets see the buck already.
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Muley7mm. Nope. We don't have any pics. This old buck was way to smart to get any good pics of him. He was always heading for the trees, etc. He wouldn't stick around for a pic. We saw him once in the evening (Sept) and a few different mornings from Sept to Dec. He would always bed down before the sun came up. Heck, we couldn't even tell what all he had for horns due to the distance and light. I'm guessing that is why he had lived so long! The only pictures that we have seen is some video that Doyle shot early this year before he was done growing. I don't know of any other pics/video, but I wouldn't doubt it if someone else had pics of him. I would like to see them too!
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Hey ready did you take any pictures of the buck after it hit the ground? Im starting to wonder? You ever gonna show us the buck or what? Im startin to think everyone is full of s*** about the buck?
I have talked with ready a few times over the last few months they have worked there tail off for this buck and yes one hit the ground i just got a pic on my phone i dont know if it is it or not but if it is it is huge and it looks like most the points are on the left they do know how to post pics but they are holding out for some reason and for what ever that reason is i think we should all respect it and maybey Steph or dustin will fill us in on the reason :thumb
What type of mount did you decide to do ?
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They better not be them type of people that think they need to wait to show anybody till it gets put in a magizine. I just figured that big of a buck people would be posting it.
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Hello all. I'm going to have to appologize for my computer skills. I will get it figured out. I'm trying to get one of the better pics copied. Doyle Moss took the best pics and I can't seem to get them to show up. I'm working on it, but things are busy here too. I'm working on it in-between emergencies, and catch up stuff too.

Our pictures are of the head after it was caped out. The best shots are of the whole deer (the kill photos).

Looks like my next emergency is here. see ya!

sorry there always has to be one idiot in the bunch...........
paunsaugunt08, is there really any need to think someone is full of sh&% if they have not posted pics up fast enough for you, someone they probably have never met?
I don't know about you guys but i have a huge buck pictured in my head! :) I want to see the sportsmans buck but i understand if you have to hold off. I have a picture of the gov. buck that my friend sent to me the day it was killed and it's pretty impressive!
Yea, I keep checking this thread...at least 4 times a day!

Ready, post them whenever you are "ready"...and figure out the computer thing. (Hope the emergency wasn't anything serious)

paunsaugunt08, ready is a longtime, valued member of this site and will post the pics when they decide the time is right. I have NO DOUBT that it's a beast and will allow them to make the decision as to when to post them.
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Com'on, it's gettin all hot in here!
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Hey all i got to apoligize i just get impatient and i wanna see the beast. I read the part where she said she aint sure how to post pics. i thought i was the only idiot that didnt know how to post pics. so im sorry for how i acted i cant waiut to see the buck.
No problem Pauns....I get a little "antsy" waiting to see the pics too sometimes.

Just wanted to let ya know that ready wasn't just some joe-schmoe that popped in, posted something about a big buck, and then left...never to return. We'll see em soon enough (Well, probably not "soon enough" but in good time). lol
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Man i hear ya about not seeing the buck soon enough AGCHAWK. I cant wait to see the pictures. But you are right about letting her post them when she is ready. After all she has been hunting for about 3 months straight she probably has other things to take care of first. This is a sweet site and i am kind of the new guy around hear so i dont wanna piss anyone off. I will just sit back and be patiently waiting to see pictures.
Again, it's all good my friend!
I too would love to see the pictures of the gov tag and the sportsmans buck. Has anyone heard about the henry mountain buck that was taken this year. The green typical frame went 229". The world record burris buck has a 226" typical frame so if 60 days of drying doesn't cause 3" of loss we may see a long time record fall.

My neighbor told me about the henry buck has anyone else heard anything about it or seen photos floating around or is my neighbor exagerating?
Well as many of you might no the Sportsmans tag is posted under the Mule Deer forum and it is a dandy for sure it was killed by Ready and its well worth you looking at.