Utah's New Mule Deer Management Plan Draft
10/18/08 9:50pm
Here is an overview of the new 5 year plan...
Some things in there I really like, some are odd and a bit WEIRD to me.
There a PDF format BB, need a program on computer to read them or open them.
1. why do away with the statewide archery deer hunt???
2. why allow spike hunting on ALL of the Le units??? wont be long and they will be limiting the LE tags even more
3. why in the world are we gonna let people apply for pts for all species????
4. Management hunts on some LE deer units?? all that will accomplish is NOTHING. (they taking away the elk management hunt cuz it didnt work, but its gonna work on deer?? :)) :>/
thats some of the things that come to mind, im sure there are more
i dislike most of this proposal. and hope it does not take effect ever
2. Don't think I'm a fan of the spike on all units either, what is the point of this. All for $$??
3. What is wrong with applying for all species again? I was kinda liking this idea, log jam yes but good heck we are already log jammed. Thoughts as to negative, I'd like to hear.
4. As for the Management tags, I think the Paunsaugunt needs them. Can't speak for the Henries, but I doubt it and not near as bad as PAUNS IMO. The dates on the management tags seem very ODD to me however and bad. Primitive weapon means archery/bow right???? I think the management tags needed are for STAGS more so than 3x4's etc. Elk was a failure, so deer would be tough also I agree but I'll still favor the idea for a trial period. Again, lets have a STAG hunt for management though.
5. I don't think the management tags have much to do with buck/doe ratios, simple bad genes in the pool right? But when you take out many or most of the big bucks each year then this is simple the result over time isn't it?
6. I am actually in favor of trying the 9 day hunt again, tough for some to hunt more than 1 full day with the 5 day period. However I do question the "backup" if we fail or drop below our objective then we 'don't have a clue' what we are talking about and will go back to 5 days again. Kinda seems like a quick escape in case we fail.
just some thoughts for now.
Most people are not dedicated enough for this to ever work and the state doesn't have the money or the man power to send out a person for every tag to make sure that the right type deer are being culled out of the herd. I think that with the proper managment these units have to potential to bocome world class spots. I agree with MuleyMadness if all you ever take from a unit are the trophy animals what is being left for the rut to breed the doe's?
While the state has started off with the right managment plans it is time for those plans to change if they want to keep the trophy class that they have worked so hard to get. Look at the bookcliffs at one time there were some truely great deer out there and then it went to pot. They closed it for a few years and gave the herd a chance to rebuild and then hunting was great again. Now they have killed most of the real nice bucks and left these big old two points and crab clawed four points to do most of the breeding so now that is what you see most of the time. Yes there are still some big bucks out there but not like there was and the over all quality of the herd has dropped. If you ask me it's the same thing that has happend to most of the elk herds in colorado. You always hear about the huge numbers of elk that they have but you hardly ever hear of the huge bulls that they have like they used to.
If we could get a good managment plan to work then I would be behind it a hundred percent but I am afraid that that day will never come.
Just my twenty dollars worh this time.
2. Agreed, makes NO SENSE and is bad idea.
3. Does applying for all species actually hurt opportunity or help?? Not sure on this one still. I'd like to kill an Antelope in my life and an Elk also. Wouldn't this allow me or anyone else the chance to do it sooner. With the system we have now, I'm not sure I could ever have a chance to draw a LE tag for DEER, Elk, and Antelope in my life. I've drawn deer, so 2 to go I suppose. But man I'd sure like a crack at another deer, since I blew my first chance. :)
4. So the management tags have nothing to do with helping genetics of the heard and everything to do with more opportunity? After re-reading the rules on the Management tags, I'm not sure why the heck you would want one anyway. You loose bonus points, have waiting period, have 5 days to hunt with primitive weapon. The dates would be good for rut, but that is the only benefit seen I suppose.
Again I'd like a STAG management tag.
How many people did not apply for deer last year but instead applied for elk? 1000's right
so if they open it up, how many MORE people will start to accumulate deer points 1000's right??
thats the way i see it happening, i have been wrong before(just ask the wife) so if it passes i hope this scenario does not play out