Utah's Rifle Opener Success??

Anyone have any success in the hills on the opener?

My party missed a nice 4-point. #-o

I'll have a few photos to share later of a friends good 4-point buck.

Also hopefully some photos of a couple of relatives that tagged out on some nice bucks. 3x4 and 4x4

I myself saw about 40-45 deer total, (4 being small bucks) but had a good time.

I was also trying to take pics of the sunrise instead of hunting, although my camera went nuts and turned the photo tiny.
I was able to have Idhunter, sawtooth and johnyutah5 hunt with me this year and although we lost track of the biggest bucks we saw earlier in the year. I was able to find a couple of very nice looking bucks that needed a closer look at. So yesterday we headed up the mnt. to find these bucks. Sorry guys but I'll have to let sawtooth tell the rest of the story. BTW, congrats Corby. I am very happy for you. =D> :thumb
My 14 year old son and I stalked in a 2 point. he was shooting my open sight 30-30 again this year but missed a 80 yard shot due to a case of buck fever. lol We had a blast though. He is excited to out again.
Saw some more pics today on cell phones of some really nice bucks, hope I can get a few pics.

One was a HUGE 3-point, beautiful deer.
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I've seen one good buck all hunt, and spent Saturday afternoon in the middle of now where with a broken rear driveshaft on the Jeep.
one hunting fool
I took my wife out (my tag is still unfilled for archery). we climbed all day Saturday and saw nothing except a few does. not even another hunter on out side of the mountian. I wonder if that had more to do with lack of deer than out hiking ability. I ended up using her gun to take 2 yotes Saturday. I could have taken another Sunday morning but elected not to scare any deer that might be where we where. Sunday at 10 my wife decided she was to ill to continue hunting and needed to go home and rest. so we took a three day weekend next weekend to see if we can fill up.
I do however have a new Yotee hunting area ;)
So Ridge or Sawtooth, where is the 'rest of the story' ??

I wanna know/see. :thumb
Brett, I do too. I think it should be up to him to tell the story and show some pics. with him and the deer. I got some good video of the buck right before and being shot at, then going down. I'll try to figure out how to do a video. Maybe someone could PM me with advice on how to load up video footage.
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The truth about my 08 rifle buck is that aside from climbing a mountian and shooting it, I had little to do with it. If any of you know ridgetop you know he is pro at finding areas and spotting big bucks. Whenever I go out with him I am amazed at the deer he can spot. That was the case with my buck. Ridgetop found him on friday morning on a low burn, in an area most eveyone would just pass up. I met up with him that night and we scouted a different area knowing that if those bucks werent bothered they would most likely be there the next morning. That night we met up with a friend idhunter, and formed a plan. We got familiar with the terrain by using google earth then went to bed. The next morning we were met by another good friend Tom (I forget his screen name), He really saved me because my 4 wheeler woudnt start the day before so even without a tag he came up to help. Well before first light we started up the canyon on both sides. Ridgetop and idhunter on the far side and Tom and I on the ridge we thought would hold the deer. As it got light Ridgetop spotted the bucks just where he had left them(about 1000 yards still above us), and despite some scattered shots in the area the deer stayed put. With our radios we decided both groups would climb the steep ridges and try to get on both sides of the bucks. When Tom and I were about 500 yards away he set up his scope and stayed back to guide me and tell me what the bucks were doing ( everone needs friends like mine). The next 300 yard of ridge were so steep and it was so hot! My lungs burned as I climbed the backside of the ridge to get into position. Once I came around the face I couldnt see anything because of my angle. I then began slowly creeping and glassing until I could see the horns of one of the bucks. I then began to try to set up for a shot with out being spotted, this is where I discovered that shooting sticks are useless on a steep slope. I knew I had to get ready to shoot so I set out my pack to shoot off and layed on my belly. Just when I got set up, out of the corner of my eye I saw the biggest of the bucks about 200 yards across from me. I only had a little window through the brush and the buck was quartering away! With the buck in my crosshairs it took everything I had not to shoot right away. I waited for ridgetop to get the camera on him and give me the ok. My first shot was a kill but that didnt stop the buck from running down hill. I shot at him on the run and then again when he slowed. With my third shot he droped and began to tumble, then roll, then fall off a series of rocks. I was so excited I figured he might be broke up but I didnt care.
I couldnt be happier about my 08 buck. It was such a great day with great friends. I think that is what hunting is all about.
Thanks again to Ridgetop, Tom, and idhunter, I love hunting with you guys and I hope to repay the favor soon. I guess I cant forget to thank my beautiful wife for putting up with me during hunting season, and the rest of the year.
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A dwr officer said this buck was old and his hear were probably burned off by the fire
A dwr officer said this buck was old and his hear were probably burned off by the fire
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Here is the buck when I first walked up
Here is the buck when I first walked up
"ridgetop" wrote: I got some good video of the buck right before and being shot at, then going down. I'll try to figure out how to do a video. Maybe someone could PM me with advice on how to load up video footage.
I'd be happy to show you how to edit the footage and load it up. Or if you wanted I would do it for you, just let me know your preference.
Congrats on a great buck Sawtooth. Good shooting on a great buck 10sign: . Thanks for letting me tag along.
Good story sawtooth and once again congrats on getting the job done. =D>
mapleton archer
i need better friends lol lol
A dwr officer said this buck was old and his hear were probably burned off by the fire

probably frostbite........ happens alot out here in the desert
Sweet buck! Crazy on the ears, never seen one that bad before.

You found a great friend in Ridgetop for sure.

When you moving back to St. George Ridge? :)
one hunting fool
Great buck Sawtooth. hey that looks like Central unit. am i right. i think i know the area and your right nowone would think of looking for a deer there. don't worry though your secret will be safe with me. congrates guys.