Utah's Ruby Mountains

Read a story one time about the Rubies in Utah. Said it was tough hunting but a good hunt. Does anyone have any information on the quality of deer, the availability of tags and access to the Rubies. I have never hunted in Utah so any information will be appreciated. My style of hunting is to backpack in 3-4 miles and prefer to rifle hunt for mulies. Thanks
Sure it wasn't about the Rubies in Nevada?
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Ruby Mountains and Ruby Wildnerness are in Nevada. South and West of Well's Nevada.
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yea, I think you are right, they are in Nevada. Any information????
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getting drawn is the problem...
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The Ruby Mountains look amazing. Every time I pass by them they impress me.

My buddy was telling me it's excellent hunting but extremely hard to get a tag.
ive been drawn for that area 4x theres tons of tags this year i chose archery and drew a tag on the second draw the only downside i have noticed is over hunting im getting the idea that the population reports are taken during migration area 10 is a huge migratory path but the deer are not resident deer the rubies themselves are breathtaking and hiking to some of the lakes will make you never want to return to normality but im starting to fear over hunting and alot of immature deer in that area of the rubies. dont get me wrong theres big bucks along those mountains but i think there a bit smarter than they used to be with so much pressure around them. we drew a party hunt up there last year for 5 guys we came back with a couple of forkys for the freezer and we hunted pretty hard its rather depressing to know the quality of deer that existed there 10 years ago are few and far between now. i think in the early archery alone there was 430 tags given out. any one with some pointers on different areas of 10 besides the rubys please contact me im not too confident about my archery tag this year. motivated yes. confident not so much. but im gonna give er the union regardless
There's still some good buck in that range......think above timberline....10-14 miles in to get away from folks.
Springville Shooter
I spend alot of time over that way for work and I can tell you from what I see on the winter range that there are both alot of deer in the rubies as well as some big bucks. From the stats I've seen, this is not a hard tag to draw at all and that is the problem. There are alot of tags issued for this area and you have to really burn the boot leather to find any solitude. Also, I hear that some of the best areas are only accesible through private property and that if you can arrange access that you can enjoy some top-notch hunting. I have friends that hunt this unit often and kill at least one good buck every time they get drawn.------------SS
thats a bit reassuring. i have been somewhat close minded the years ive hunted there sticking close to the overland lake and ruby crest trail heading towards harrison. i think im gonna venture a bit farther north this year. lamoille area and attempt to find some rock faces up high 10,500? or if i can topo something higher head there. any words of advice for a weekend warrior? thanks for the feedback
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Last year I back packed up Soldier Creek which is just south of Secret Pass. We went clear up to Hidden Lake, Soldier Lake, and Robinson Lake. We say a bunch of bucks and the walk in wasn't to bad. There were definatly some good bucks up there and like others have said the scenery is amazing. Also I think if you can get permission to go through the reservation there is some really good hunting up above there.
are you talking about the reservation just north of the overland trail?
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Yeah thats the reservation I'm talking about. I'm not sure if they take trespass fees or if they will let you on at all but I have heard from some of the locals that its pretty good hunting up there.
i have been up there but it was years ago.(roughyly 7) it would make sence that theres big deer there though. theres lots of pressure around there but not in there. like i said last year i hiked to overland 3x. but it was late rifle season. tons of gunshots first thing in the morning on one of the trips. unfortunatly not mine though :( one of the times there was even a wall tent setup close to the lake and there were guides staying up there. this was all within a weeks time. i gave my notice looks like ill have the last week of august off this year to make a miracle happen with my stick and string this will be my first archery hunt then its off to san diego for some albacore fishin.