Utah Success??
10/27/05 6:30pm
This is all I saw the day before the opener out scouting...doesn't real mean much when your hunting Mule Deer. At least something is thriving in Utah though. :)

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/1_turk.jpg" alt="" />

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/2_turk.jpg" alt="" />
I did hunt pretty hard down here in the southern region. Saw TONS of hunters, lots of ATV's, and a few deer. Passed on a 2x3, and a spike opening day.
Hunted Monday after work, no bucks.
Hunted Wednesday after work and flat out blew it.
My Dad and I were out, we kept going higher and higher, the deer for the most part were gone as where the people. I was getting very discouraged and wanting to "head out". My patient and wise dad who taught me everything I know, said just a little further we might jump a ole buck that has moved off late.
Sure enough, 2 minutes later my dad jump right underneath him in some thick trees. I could see the horns and knew with only an hour left on the last day he was shooting material.
He ran down and across the canyon, I knew he was coming my way. All of a sudden there he was right in front of me on the dead run. I pulled up for a quick standing shot and flat out missed. I was sick about my poor shot, only had one shot and he was gone.
He was a pretty buck, very healthy and FAT looking. I think he was a straight 4-point. Nothing huge, but very pretty. I would have like to get him, just blew it. ](*,)
At least I saw a shooter finally, good times and a miss to remember. How did everyone else do?

I did hunt pretty hard down here in the southern region. Saw TONS of hunters, lots of ATV's, and a few deer. Passed on a 2x3, and a spike opening day.
Hunted Monday after work, no bucks.
Hunted Wednesday after work and flat out blew it.
My Dad and I were out, we kept going higher and higher, the deer for the most part were gone as where the people. I was getting very discouraged and wanting to "head out". My patient and wise dad who taught me everything I know, said just a little further we might jump a ole buck that has moved off late.
Sure enough, 2 minutes later my dad jump right underneath him in some thick trees. I could see the horns and knew with only an hour left on the last day he was shooting material.
He ran down and across the canyon, I knew he was coming my way. All of a sudden there he was right in front of me on the dead run. I pulled up for a quick standing shot and flat out missed. I was sick about my poor shot, only had one shot and he was gone.
He was a pretty buck, very healthy and FAT looking. I think he was a straight 4-point. Nothing huge, but very pretty. I would have like to get him, just blew it. ](*,)
At least I saw a shooter finally, good times and a miss to remember. How did everyone else do?
Next year my wife and I are going out to Ohio to visit family for the Holidays and I am pretty sure that the hunting experience will be a bit diferent out there.
I thought for sure with some of the scouting pictures you posted that this was your year!!
I was fortunate enough to take this buck on the second to last day. 29 inches wide, scores just over 190.
Congrats! What a BEAUTIFUL buck, your a lucky man. You must work hard. :)
I was hoping for a decent buck, sure wish I could hunt those limited entry units more often. Then I'd be real excited. That's okay though, I saw some great bucks during the summer and got some great footage of some of them.
Saw one of the widest bucks of my life this summer, never could get footage or find him during the day. I guessed him at 33", we later came up with a better measurement of about 35 1/2". Sure like to know if someone took him or takes him still.
I've known about him for two years, but I never would have guess he would grow that big, stay alive, and be on public ground 24/7.
I have never drawn an LE tag in UT. Wish I could.
After some of the pics I have seen this year, I am almost willing to throw away my points on a book cliffs tag.. that unit had an awesome year.
Here are some smaller buck's that made it thru the hunts.. He may be a good'n if he would grow some beams.
That first picture is beautiful. What type of camera and lens are you using?
a few others.
Sweet pics! Keep em rolling! :thumb
How do you like that sigma lens, also referred to as the "Bigma" correct.
I've been debating for a while whether to get it or not?
What are some pros/cons you see?
I recently purchased a Rebel XT and a 70-300mm lens, but know eventually I'll need more length as in the Sigma lens.
I love my bigma.... its not HUGE like the 2.8's and it is somwhat managable to pack.. I keep hearing really good things about the 70-200 VR lense tho/.. Im seriously thinking about that lense with a teleconverter..
It has went doun hill verry badlly seince my mom had the tag. The biggest buck that we seen was a 5X9 that was only about 26 inches wide they are at the peak of the rut right know. I am trying to get the pics devolped and hopefully i can get one on here.
Not much left out there eh?!?!? that sucks.. I have seen alot of good deer that came out of there this year.
I look forward to seeing the pics.
You in the Central Unit, Northern or where?
I am in the central unit. These bucks are not very far from the house. They are difficult to find in velvet, but when the rut hits, LOOK OUT!
How are you liking the Rebel? and what lenses are you using?!?!?!?
I love the REBEL, only had it a week and a half. So I'm a rookie.
Using the new Canon 70-300mm IS lens, seems to do the trick so far.
Not as much reach as I need, but I'm not Bill Gates yet. :)
I just realized this was yours also...
Was just goofing around one day, never planned on keeping it. Got plenty to choose from.
So you should use it for your avatar under your name. Since I stole it from you. nono
Don't you live in St George?!?!? What do you mean you dont have bucks down there... Your NUTZ! I have sen some monsters down there.. Plus... your a whopping 10 minutes from the AZ strip! get on it!
Just that precious time, if I didn't have this dang site to update and upgrade 24-7 maybe I'd get out more.
Let me know if you want the avatar below your name removed.
I think, now that you have that camera, your obligated to produce! Have you thought about a 1.5 or 2.0 teleconverter for the 300 lense?!?!? I would have bought the 1.5 but it wont work with the bigma. (it works, but auto focus doesnt)
The 1.5 doesnt loose much quality at all and it makes a pretty good difference. I think that would put you at 420mm? or close to it. They arent terribly exspensive either.
Sorry Shorty
A couple more pics.. from tonight no less.
Can't complain about those bucks! Nice pics, thanks for sharing and hey that big one looks to be over 26" to me. He is a keeper for sure. :thumb
The second is just a typical book kliffs buck tall but no width.
The two bottom he was not screwing off even though he was in the rut he stood there for about a miniute and then he was gone we seen another nice buck he was a 4 point and about 28" wide but he left before we even got the binos on him.