Utah Tag numbers
4/10/12 9:28am
Thought this was intersting since the first proposal was to drop 13,000 tags total along with making the 30 units. 500 tags cut is a long way from 13,000. But I guess we should have figured that. Whats everyones thoughts on this and what do you think the buck to Doe ratios should be in all 30 units?
Should be lots of discussion come June when everyone finds out what they have drawn. I'm curious to see if the Wildlife Board will stick with the recommendations from the DWR.
Don't forget that they cut 7000 tags for the 2011 season. 500 may not be 13,000, but we are already over half way there.
I dont have a problem with the archery tags getting more but I do not understand that they have done almost nothing in the old central region to drop tags the buck numbers are way lower than they should be.
It does seem to me that most (if not all) those numbers are very arbitrary and very little critical thinking truly went into setting those numbers... case in point with the old central region. It seems like there are a couple units that are going to managed, protected, and coddled as "premuim" type units and the rest could be left to struggle.
Archery hunters bring in just as much money for DOW's and dont take nearly the same number of deer. I like the idea of more archery tags. Especially since I prefer the sharpstick.
I know not everyone agrees with that, but I do. I believe we issue to many tags for the amount of deer we have. Just my opinion.
I also don't have a problem, matter of fact prefer to increase the buck to doe ratios to see/hunt more bucks and hopefully a few 'bigger/better' bucks.
Times have changed, this is and will never be the 'good ole days' IMO.
The tag cuts last year were needed and a good thing to me, obviously were not cutting the original amount, but I'm okay with that also for now. Lets ride this new 30 units for a few years out and see what happens. It will certainly take some work and be interesting for sure. I'm okay with proposals as a whole, but they need some tweaking and adjusting with time. I just hope the tweaking is every year as need and not wait for disaster at the end before we reevaluate and change.
This issue (mule deer) #'s, decline, etc. needs constant evaluation.
I posted a while back, in another thread, about a management plan put into place 8 years ago in Pennsylvania. A co-worker commented on the number of P&Y/B&C whitetails coming out of PA this year and it being the result of that plan along with patience to stick with it. I really hope that we have the intuition, education, and patience to stick with a plan (which may require small and frequent "tweakes" initially) and see it through it's course instead of throwing up our arms in disgust & abandoning it when we don't see immediate results. Lasting results will be seen long tern, not immediately. Unfortunately, we live in a world of immediate results... if I'm not mistaken didn't we only make it thru year 2 or 3 of the last "5 year" management plan before we were screaming for something to happen & now we have this "new plan?"
I guess my primary concern and hope now is that it is a good plan and is worth sticking with. I'll just keep my fingers crossed.