Utah turkey hunters
12/13/08 9:56am
What I know about turkeys in Utah makes for a very small book. I would like to start putting in for a tag. I think they would be a blast to hunt, but I dont know squat about it. Does anyone here hunt Utah turkeys that would be willing to share any info. I've seen birds in American Fork canyon and lots of birds in Butterfield canyon. Are those areas you can hunt? I realize I'm sounding like a moron, but hey, cant hurt to ask.
Look on Utah's game proclamtions.
The DWR transplanted some turkeys in Francis a few years back and I see them all over the Kamas Valley now.. Good luck to you
From what I know of butterfield canyon, you can drive through it but not hunt or recreate in it. I believe it is entirely owned by Kennecot. I'm pretty sure you can hunt turkey in American Fork Canyon. I know you can hunt deer, elk, moose, rocky mountain goat, big horn sheep, and grouse there so I can't imagine why you wouldn't be able to hunt turkey too.
I've seen turkey up diamond fork canyon, on provo peak, and a bunch near flaming gorge. I think diamond fork is a very popular spot for turkey. Good luck on your draw.
Everyone, thanks for all you help and insight. If I draw, I may lean on you a bit more. Thanks again. I think its amazing that so many are willing to share knowledge in a time when everyone else seems to be out for themselves.You guys are great. :thumb
Good luck with drawing a tag. I might have to put in for next year, I am no where even near ready for a spring turkey hunt. It is something I have always wanted to try though.
So are bands on turkeys considered a bit of a "trophy" like the bands on ducks and geese?