UWC: April Service Project: Volunteers
4/9/11 11:25am
In cooperation with the DWR and the United Wildlife Cooperative we will be helping ranchers plant trees, shrubs etc. Anyone and Everyone is invited to help out our wildlife! Please see information below. For additional information, contact our Service Project Coordinatior: Brent Shelby brentshelby@untiedwildlifecooperative.org or myself Perry Hanks, perry@unitedwildlifecooperative.org or visit http://www.unitedwildlifecooperative.org and click on "Service". Thanks!!!
When: Saturday April 16, 2010, 10:00
Where: Jubilee/IGA Grocery store in Roosevelt, see map-directions attached
What: We will be conducting 2 habitat projects in the Northeast Region. Both projects will be planting trees, shrubs and other plants (600 plants each)to help local wildlife. We will meet at the IGA and receive a short introduction and raffle from the UWC board. We are hoping to also have DWR staff on hand to provide some information on the benefits of these projects. After these short presentations, we will split into to groups and depart for the projects. Please bring shovels, hammers, gloves, and anything else you think may be useful.
A) Lehi, UT US
1. Start out going EAST on W 300 N/W 3RD N toward N CENTER ST. (go 0.04 miles)
2. Take the 1st RIGHT onto N CENTER ST.
- If you are on E 300 N and reach N 100 E you've gone a little too far
(go 0.24 miles)
3. Take the 3rd LEFT onto E MAIN ST/UT-73.
- If you are on S CENTER ST and reach E 100 S you've gone a little too far
(go 0.78 miles)
4. Merge onto I-15 S toward LAS VEGAS.
- If you reach N 1200 E you've gone about 0.2 miles too far
(go 7.72 miles)
5. Take the UT-52/800 NO. exit, EXIT 272, toward US-189. (go 0.34 miles)
6. Turn LEFT onto UT-52 E/W 800 N/W 8TH N. Continue to follow UT-52 E/W 800 N.
- If you reach I-15 S you've gone about 0.2 miles too far
(go 3.73 miles)
7. Merge onto US-189 N. (go 21.51 miles)
8. Turn RIGHT onto S MAIN ST/US-40/S US-40. Continue to follow US-40.
- US-40 is just past S DANIELS RD
(go 96.32 miles)
9. Turn RIGHT onto S 200 E.
- S 200 E is 0.1 miles past S STATE ST
(go 0.39 miles)
10. [700-799] S 200 E.
- Your destination is just past E 700 S
- If you reach E 800 S you've gone a little too far
(go 0 miles)
B) [700-799] S 200 E, Roosevelt, UT 84066 US
When: Saturday April 16, 2010, 10:00
Where: Jubilee/IGA Grocery store in Roosevelt, see map-directions attached
What: We will be conducting 2 habitat projects in the Northeast Region. Both projects will be planting trees, shrubs and other plants (600 plants each)to help local wildlife. We will meet at the IGA and receive a short introduction and raffle from the UWC board. We are hoping to also have DWR staff on hand to provide some information on the benefits of these projects. After these short presentations, we will split into to groups and depart for the projects. Please bring shovels, hammers, gloves, and anything else you think may be useful.
A) Lehi, UT US
1. Start out going EAST on W 300 N/W 3RD N toward N CENTER ST. (go 0.04 miles)
2. Take the 1st RIGHT onto N CENTER ST.
- If you are on E 300 N and reach N 100 E you've gone a little too far
(go 0.24 miles)
3. Take the 3rd LEFT onto E MAIN ST/UT-73.
- If you are on S CENTER ST and reach E 100 S you've gone a little too far
(go 0.78 miles)
4. Merge onto I-15 S toward LAS VEGAS.
- If you reach N 1200 E you've gone about 0.2 miles too far
(go 7.72 miles)
5. Take the UT-52/800 NO. exit, EXIT 272, toward US-189. (go 0.34 miles)
6. Turn LEFT onto UT-52 E/W 800 N/W 8TH N. Continue to follow UT-52 E/W 800 N.
- If you reach I-15 S you've gone about 0.2 miles too far
(go 3.73 miles)
7. Merge onto US-189 N. (go 21.51 miles)
8. Turn RIGHT onto S MAIN ST/US-40/S US-40. Continue to follow US-40.
- US-40 is just past S DANIELS RD
(go 96.32 miles)
9. Turn RIGHT onto S 200 E.
- S 200 E is 0.1 miles past S STATE ST
(go 0.39 miles)
10. [700-799] S 200 E.
- Your destination is just past E 700 S
- If you reach E 800 S you've gone a little too far
(go 0 miles)
B) [700-799] S 200 E, Roosevelt, UT 84066 US