UWC Service Project November 12th!!!

The United Wildlife Cooperative is pleased to announce another opportunity to give back on November 12th at 8:00AM!

We are hosting two separate projects on the 12th, but the one I think you might be most interested in will be at the East Canyon WMA.

In conjunction with the Utah DWR's walk-in access program, we will be posting signs along the WMA border where a private landowner has agreed to open up his land to cow elk only hunters. If hunters obey this landowner's request to hunt only cow elk, future hunting opportunities may arise on his property for public access including bull elk, mule deer, and upland game.

If you are at all interested in participating or know some one who is interested, feel free to send me an e-mail and we'll provide you with more details.

Additionally, we are hosting a clean up project along the Weber River and will be cleaning up litter left behind by uninformed sportsmen that have been fishing in the area. You also welcome to attend this event at the same time (8:00AM on Nov 12). We will be meeting at the Sinclair gas station in Wanship.

This is a great opportunity to give back and a great reason to meet other concerned sportsmen. Also, this may be an opportunity to get your scout out for needed service hours.

If you have any questions, let me know!

http://unitedwildlifecooperative.org/_MEMBERSHIP_files/Logo%20UWC%206.png" alt="" />