Valles Caldera

Is any one putting in for the hunts on the Valles Caldera in New Mexico? This was called the Baca Ranch before it was bought by the state. Hunting on the Baca started around $10,000 for a bull that was late 80’s money. This is NOT a High Fence hunt; these are just free range elk, which like this area. I’m going to buy a couple of drawing tickets and see what happens, maybe I will get lucky.

Here is the web site if any one is interested

M. Bird
M.Bird, I haven't applied for the Valles Caldera yet but have heard great things about the bulls that they kill off of there. I hope you draw. NM Oryx deadline is approaching fast, 2/5 or so.
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I hunter in a unit just off the Valles Calders in 6C, season before last (06) saw some nice bulls right on the edge, never could catch them on my side of the fence. If you get the chance it’s well worth the effort. I should have a better chance for the Oryx this year, I get to draw from a special pool.

Good luck on your draw
I saw a Caldera hunt on tv a while back. Some pretty huge bulls there. Its not far from my home, i'd like to take a gosee ride and look it over. Good luck on your draw.
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They have a booth at the Hunting Expo this week. They are promoting the ranch. The state wants it to be self sufficent. You buy a lottery ticket for $25. If you are lucky and draw, then you get to buy a tag from the New Mexico Fish & game at the normal Resident/Non Resident price.

the fellow manning the booth said it's a day use area only. No camping in allowed on the ranch. Vehicles have to stay on the road. No ATV travel off the roads. Horses are allowed.

He said to expect to see lots of elk, Bulls would be mostly in the 350 class.
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I have been on there hiking on the trails, most of the bulls are in the 350-375 class, but there are a lot of them, you won’t see just one, you see lots of them in the unit you are assigned to hunt. As far as camping, there are campgrounds just outside of the Caldera, you could be camping within 2-3 miles of your hunting area, and they are working on a camping area for the further. They started the turkey hunting also, not a bird hunter so don’t know much information about it other than, you must purchase lottery tickets and draw for your chance.
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I was just lion hunting in that area a few weeks ago and the amount of elk in the lower elevations was just staggering. I saw a few bulls, nothing spectacular. I did see some sheds taken in the area by some locals and a few of them were close to 200" per side. I would think it to be a great area with great trophy potential. Some of it is quite rugged. Good luck.
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They have gotten $200 of my money for the last 3 years.
There was an on going fight between the NM G&F and the preserve over who was going to conduct the draw.
I think it was 3 years ago Valles Caldera did it without the state. Now the perserve is selling the lotto chances but the state is conducting the draw.
when is the deadline?
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April 9th.

I was worng. The preserve is conducting the draw this year.
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That sound funny that the preserve is conducting the draw, it is written in the rules that the state of NM will conduct the draw using the radon drawing format used by the state. I will have to check into that, this is how a lot of Tom Foolery starts. If the preserve does conduct the drawing I’m interested who will certify the draw, it would have to be an outside organization. Lets add cost to a system that is already inplace.
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This is the web sight that has the paplet.

I have an e-mail into a person to find out who is doing the drawing

M. bird
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Like I say there has been on on going battle between the perserve and the state. And part of the state's argument is certification Bird.

Here is how page 30 of the NM proclimation reads:

"Hunters seeking access to the Valles Caldera National Preserve (VCNP) Unit 6B for elk hunting in 2008 must enter a national lottery conducted by the Valles Caldera Trust. Hunters MUST NOT apply through the regular Department of Game and Fish public elk draw for these hunts. The Trust will hold its own drawing for access authorizations."
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Clear as Mud:
Just heard back from a person at the preserve. As far as he known’s the state will conduct the draw, just as it has been done in previous years. I know what you are speaking of with the preserve saying that it wants a national lottery; they are trying to become more controlling on how the licenses are distributed. They want total control over the licenses like the Whittington Center in Raton (NRA Center). That is a different discussion.

Good luck on all your draws