Velvet Mount

I am applying for an early hunt and the bucks should still be in velvet. my question is can taxidermist preserve the antlers with the velvet for the finished mount?
thanks in advance

YES, taxidermist can and will preserve the velvet for you. I believe a lot of them store them in a freezer until there ready to do the actual preserving.

Not sure exactly what happens, as I've never taken one in the velvet. Actually prefer them hard horned, but hope to bag a velvet one before to long. They may inject the vessels with formaldehyde and other substances.
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There is actually a artificial velvet we can apply, and a preserve that we use for the actual velvet. not all use the artificial but most do now a days I would think. I can take a deer you get out of velvet and make it in. just be very care full with it. it can come off and look like a rag horn easy enough after the blood stops flowing. And hey good luck and post the pick I love seeing the pics you guys share. Jim W
If you are worried about the amount of time that you have to get the antlers into a place to have them stored then get your self a bottle of velvet tan in a bottle. You will need a needle to inject it under the velvet. If you want to do it this way the first thing you want to do is get the hide off the head and cut the skull cap to get the antlers off the head. With the hide out of the way start injecting the tanning solution into the tip of each antler. As you keep moving the needle from spot to spot you will find where the veins are at under the velvet and the blood will start pouring out from under the burr next to the skull. Keep filling the veins untill there is no more blood coming out. When done injecting take the antlers and rub them down with the tanning solution coating every thing. The velvet sould be tanned within a week to ten days. When it's set and dry take a small nylon or other soft type of brush and start fluffing up any of the velvet that got matted down during the tanning process. I know that it sounds like alot of work but it's not to bad and besides this way you get to play with your trophy a little more before it goes away to be mounted. :))
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Thanks for the help
I figured I would share a pic from this hunting season, we usually get two tags in this area, this is my doe. i mainly thought I would show you a little of the public land we hunt in South dakota. Finding a good buck is very tuff, we hunt a chunk of land 5 miles long and 3 miles wide surrounded by private land. The smart bucks dissapear into the private land long before the season. My brothers, dad, grandpa and I are happy just to be hunting even if any buck is a good buck.
thanks again and I am glad to be apart of this site
Nice pic, definitely different country than I used to hunting in. Sounds tough to find a good buck or a buck period huh? Crazy.