Venison Recipes
12/9/10 7:07pm
Hey guys, would y'all be willing to share some of your recipes for big game. It was a good year for me with a little buck & cow elk in the freezer. I'd like to have some ideas for ways to use it. We typically go with the crock pot roast, but a little variety would be nice. Also if anyone has a good recipe for salami and/or jerky I'd like to try making some (I've had some that was commercially prepared... yum). That would be awesome too.
We have done so many things in the past I will try and remember them. Some of my favorites are Cutting up a roast for fajitas or stir fry.
Also all of the sausages. We usually make summer sausage, bratwurst, and breakfast sausage. I like jerky but it just wastes so much meat to me. Anywho if you have a grinder i will send you some info on all the sausage stuff we do.
Thanks BIG R, I'll give the bacon wrapped backstrap a try for sure... everything is better with bacon. :thumb