Vernon Muzzleloader Hunt
10/19/11 3:55pm
hey new to the sight and thought I would post up my vernon muzzy hunt. It was a hard hunt it was hot and alot of the bigger deer we had seen before the hunt had moved off into the thick cedars.
Warning Long post...
I left monday night to pre-scout before the hunt. My dad and I went to our honey hole, but all the nice bucks we had seen during the bow hunt were gone! On tuesday we went to our plan B spot. We saw bucks, but no shooters.
9/28: Opening morning was here, and I was like a kid in a candy store. At fist light we were looking over three bucks. There was a wide 3x3, an ugly 4x2, and a little 4x4. After a half hour of glassing the area, we watched as a hunter tried to shoot the wide 3x3, he missed four times.
9/29: My cousin and I decided to hike to the top of the unit, or so it seamed. At fist light we found our selfs looking over a stand of pines. After about twenty minutes my cousin spotted a buck bedded in the pines. I thought for sure we had found a big buck! WRONG! It was a small 3x3.
9/30: My dad and I decided after hiking all day the day before that we would look in the low sage flats. We spotted seven bucks living together in a wash. The best buck was a 23 inch wide 3x4 that I would not shoot. In the evening we went back around the back side of the mountain to look for a buck. We only saw two small bucks. Friday night after the hunt I was kinda upset because we had used plan A though plan D, and I had exhausted all of my pre-scouted spots.
10/1: Late friday night I called my friend who had a bow tag last year for some ideas. He told me of a spot were he has seen some good bucks. After talking with my dad, and uncle we decided this spot would be a good place to check out. At fist light we parked the four wheelers, and hiked up a draw to a small seep. As we got to the seep we bumped four does and a small two point buck off of the seep. We began glassing the upper canyon that was when my uncle spotted a twenty four inch wide 4x4 with good mass but crabby fronts. I decided we needed to get closer to see if I could get a shot. We hussled up a narrow draw as we moved to a spot were we could see the buck he was sky lined going over the top. We moved up the draw after and sfter a while we stopped to catch our breath, when we were stopped my uncle said "There is a buck right here close." he through up his glasses and said "I think he has extras." I grabbed a spotting scope to get a better look as I was looking though the scope I told him to range the buck just in case. I looked him over and decided he WAS a shooter as I grabbed my gun my uncle said "He is 116 yards." I steadied my self, and squeezed the trigger, and down he went. I need to give thanks to my dad, my uncles, my cousin, and my friends for the help.
Here is my buck he is a 5x6, he is my biggest buck to date and I could not be happier with him. My uncle calls him T.N.T for Tall N' Tight. We gross scored him at 174 2/8 " alt="" /> " alt="" /> " alt="" />
Warning Long post...
I left monday night to pre-scout before the hunt. My dad and I went to our honey hole, but all the nice bucks we had seen during the bow hunt were gone! On tuesday we went to our plan B spot. We saw bucks, but no shooters.
9/28: Opening morning was here, and I was like a kid in a candy store. At fist light we were looking over three bucks. There was a wide 3x3, an ugly 4x2, and a little 4x4. After a half hour of glassing the area, we watched as a hunter tried to shoot the wide 3x3, he missed four times.
9/29: My cousin and I decided to hike to the top of the unit, or so it seamed. At fist light we found our selfs looking over a stand of pines. After about twenty minutes my cousin spotted a buck bedded in the pines. I thought for sure we had found a big buck! WRONG! It was a small 3x3.
9/30: My dad and I decided after hiking all day the day before that we would look in the low sage flats. We spotted seven bucks living together in a wash. The best buck was a 23 inch wide 3x4 that I would not shoot. In the evening we went back around the back side of the mountain to look for a buck. We only saw two small bucks. Friday night after the hunt I was kinda upset because we had used plan A though plan D, and I had exhausted all of my pre-scouted spots.
10/1: Late friday night I called my friend who had a bow tag last year for some ideas. He told me of a spot were he has seen some good bucks. After talking with my dad, and uncle we decided this spot would be a good place to check out. At fist light we parked the four wheelers, and hiked up a draw to a small seep. As we got to the seep we bumped four does and a small two point buck off of the seep. We began glassing the upper canyon that was when my uncle spotted a twenty four inch wide 4x4 with good mass but crabby fronts. I decided we needed to get closer to see if I could get a shot. We hussled up a narrow draw as we moved to a spot were we could see the buck he was sky lined going over the top. We moved up the draw after and sfter a while we stopped to catch our breath, when we were stopped my uncle said "There is a buck right here close." he through up his glasses and said "I think he has extras." I grabbed a spotting scope to get a better look as I was looking though the scope I told him to range the buck just in case. I looked him over and decided he WAS a shooter as I grabbed my gun my uncle said "He is 116 yards." I steadied my self, and squeezed the trigger, and down he went. I need to give thanks to my dad, my uncles, my cousin, and my friends for the help.
Here is my buck he is a 5x6, he is my biggest buck to date and I could not be happier with him. My uncle calls him T.N.T for Tall N' Tight. We gross scored him at 174 2/8

2nd, that's an awesome buck, glad you didn't give up and kept after it. T-N-T fits him perfect, what pretty buck and great photos. 10sign: