vernon success

We had a good hunt out on the vernon this year. My little brother shot a 24 inch typical 4 point. My dad shot a 28 inch double cheater buck that has tons of mass. I shot a 32 inch typical 4 point with 3 1/2 inch eye guards. We hunted hard and had good success. Here are some pics.
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These are the only other pics of the deer that we have that will fit the size requirement.
my deer
my deer
my deer
my deer
How many points did they have to draw that tag?
Awesome stuff, and that looks like great success to me. Congrats to all of you. VERY COOL.

Some awesome bucks. 10sign: 10sign:
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Thanks! We were very fortunate to be able to draw as a group with such few points. It was great to hunt together with my dad and brother, and have all of my other brothers there too. Also very fortunate to be able to locate deer like this and take these deer. It was a very memerable hunt and an awsome experience to share with family.
very cool!! you guys put a heck of a hunt together ,3 for 3 , on 3 dandy bucks. congrats to you and your family and thanks for posting!!
That is awesome how the g3's flair out and give you a 32" buck. He's pretty tall before the back forks branch. A very unique looking buck. The double cheater and 24" 4 point are great trophies. I'll bet the truck bed turned more than a few heads on you drive home. 10sign:
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for sure! I dont know what i liked better, the guys driving up beside me giving me the thumbs up or the ones that saw the buck and just shook their heads in disgust! it was definately a fun ride home.
WOW! Talk about a great hunt! CONGRATS to you all on some awesome bucks!
Springville Shooter
Bucks like these make me proud to live in the beehive state. What great quality mature mulies you guys got there in Vernon. I like how the three bucks are all big, but so different. Simply AWESOME! ------shooter
Nice! That's a lot of muley bone from one group. Congrats! =D>
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thank you, it really was a great hunt! I loved every minute of it.
Way to put those tags to good use. I would have liked to see you guys drivin down the road with those three bucks takin up space in the truck.
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Wow some nice bucks. Good to see that there are still a few good ones out there since the poaching earlier this year.
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Yeah, stupid poachers! I only seen a few that those poachers took that were decent sized. I think that what they did for those deer that they took was really stupid. what a group of morons