video question
6/22/09 8:46am
so i bought my wife a video camera a couple weeks ago, it doesn't use any tape, disc, card etc.
it just has a hard drive in it.
my question is , i can get it to down load onto a DVD easy enough, but from there how do i get it to where i can post it here? or do i skip the dvd part ? if i have it in DVD form, can i load it to from there?
sorry for all the ??
it just has a hard drive in it.
my question is , i can get it to down load onto a DVD easy enough, but from there how do i get it to where i can post it here? or do i skip the dvd part ? if i have it in DVD form, can i load it to from there?
sorry for all the ??
and a question about huntclips, can i load my video there, and use it from there to email? and what about any other place to upload it, will it only work here at MULEYMADNESS or anywhere?
thanks and im still working on it
I'm a MAC user, need a PC guy to help you out with them pieces of junk. lol
The video link will work anywhere, or should hopefully. :)
Not sure why Movie Maker won't recognize it?