View Active Topics?

IS anyone elses view active topics jacked up? There are only like 10 popping up when I click on it? Just curious....
You and me both... i was wondering the same thing (???)
We just recently upgraded the forum, that might have something to do with it.

So what exactly is the problem, I never use that feature. It's displaying topics that AREN'T actually active?
Usually theres like 2 pages of topics, now there is only 10 or so topics to choose from.

Just makes me have to click a few extra things :(
Same problem as Comodup. There are usually two pages of active topics to look through now there is only about 10 topics. Just curoius about the change I guess. I wasn't sure if it was a lasting change or a computer problem. No big deal really just through a curve in my habits. lol
Typically, the view active topics button brings up about two pages worth of the most recently commented upon posts. In the past it hasn't mattered which forum category the posts were made in. Now the view active posts only brings up the most recent posts in the campfire talk category. You can still navigate to the other categories, it's just not quite as convienient. I think sneekee pete is like me and likes to be able to see what the most recent posts are without having to browse through each category. I'm not complaining, just trying to further explain sneekee's observation.
Thanks for the explanation guys, not sure what happened or why the change. I'll have to look into it, not sure if I can get it back to normal or the way it was. Hope so though.
Issue fixed, thanks for the heads up guys.