Virginias Sunday Hunting ban, killing me slowly.
2/1/11 4:38pm
I just have to vent for a minute about the absurd Sunday Hunting ban here in my home state of Virginia. Just yesterday a bill that would reverse it was shot down, yet again. This law is challenged every year and we just can't win! The excuses to leave it in place range from landowners wanting a day to not worry about trespassers and nonhunters wanting a day that they dont have to worry about hunters shooting at them, to wildlife and man need a day of rest. Our hunting heritage has dwindled down over the last 30 years to a quater of what it was and the price of hunting has tripled. The way I see it is trespassers are trespassers no matter the day, nonhunters have public land to themselves 9 months out of the year (whats a few extra days a couple of months gonna do for them), and hunting is a day of rest for me! The fact that I can not hunt on my own land is the kicker, how is it that the government can tell me what and when I can participate in my preferred recreation on property I own? I just got done emailing every state senator and the governor. Sorry for the rant guys.
Here in Mississippi there is no hunting on Sundays on public land but at least you can hunt on private land on Sundays.
i had a hunter , from virginia, come on a guided early bull hunt in new mexico with me.- remind you, this was are best hunt, in the rut, rifle, 98% sucsess on mature bulls.
he was on a 5 day hunt, it started on saturday.
he went to town, seen the sites, bought gifts, etc...
i couldn't believe someone would pay $6500 and take 1 of 5 days off???
he killed a dang nice 6 point on monday, hmmm- go figure
It isn't like out west where you get one week and your chance is over.