Vortex vs. Nikon
7/6/11 6:50pm
So i'm in desperate need of some new binoculars but i'm on a pretty tight budget... Have any of you compared the Vortex Diamondbacks with the Nikon Monarchs? I stopped by Sportsmans Warehouse last week and looked through the monarchs but they didn't have any diamondbacks to compare to. I understand that vortex has an awesome warranty which is pretty appealing and they're cheaper than the monarchs. I looked through some of the Vipers and loved them they're just a little bit our of my price range right now. What would you guys recommend?
Also, has anyone had bad experiences with buying optics online? I'm sure I could find some good deals out there I just worry sometimes. What websites would you all recommend for a good deal? Thanks yall!
Also, has anyone had bad experiences with buying optics online? I'm sure I could find some good deals out there I just worry sometimes. What websites would you all recommend for a good deal? Thanks yall!
I can't say anything about the Nikon's, good or bad, they weren't in my thought process when buying binos.