Vortex vs. Nikon

So i'm in desperate need of some new binoculars but i'm on a pretty tight budget... Have any of you compared the Vortex Diamondbacks with the Nikon Monarchs? I stopped by Sportsmans Warehouse last week and looked through the monarchs but they didn't have any diamondbacks to compare to. I understand that vortex has an awesome warranty which is pretty appealing and they're cheaper than the monarchs. I looked through some of the Vipers and loved them they're just a little bit our of my price range right now. What would you guys recommend?

Also, has anyone had bad experiences with buying optics online? I'm sure I could find some good deals out there I just worry sometimes. What websites would you all recommend for a good deal? Thanks yall!
Im open to any other recommendations you guys have too...
I don't have any info to share about the particular binos you are speaking of. I would keep an eye on eBay some folks don't like it because you rarely deal with people locally but I've found some screaming deals on there and never had problems. I ordered a black creeks Canadian pack last week for 100 bucks with shipping almost brand new. Also I subscribe to camofire.com and they have alot of piddly stuff for sale but occasionally they have real good bino deals like vortex and vanguard I see them listed almost weekly usually 50 to 75% off retail and the warrantys are still honored. Hope this helps a bit
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I love my Vortex spotting scope, the optics are very good and the scope is really reliable. I would seriously compare it to other top dollar brand names as far as quality. I used it a bunch this past fall in montana and colorado muley hunting. I would highly recommend the Vortex, they dont get the press or recognition they deserve in my opinion.
I have Vortex Viper binos that I replaced a pair of Leupolds with and I am very happy with them. Also have a set of Razor binos that I have compared in the field to a pair of Swaro's and could not tell the difference. I also have a 3x9x40 Viper Scope on my Weatherby Back Country and it is a wonderful scope. I highly recommend the Vortex line of optics.
Voretex because of the warranty, although I like the Nikon Monarchs try to get Nikon to stand behind their stuff it is 50/50 at best.
The Ox
vortex! dbacks are great! you wont regret it, amazing hassle free warranty, you will be safe buying them online cause if something is broke you just send it in and they repair it no questions asked!
vortex is the way to go! i have nikons and my brother has vortex's and they out match them 2 to 1 on price, brightness, and quality.
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I just bought my dad a pair of the Vortex Diamondbacks 10x42's from Midway USA, online. I have a pair of Merlin Steiners myself and comparing the two side by side and looking through the glass, there wasn't much difference. I will say I like the eye cups on my Steiners better and they might be a little more comfortable, but for what the Vortex costs and the warranty they offer, I can live without eyecups.

I can't say anything about the Nikon's, good or bad, they weren't in my thought process when buying binos.
Thanks for all the input guys! I think i'm gonna go with vortex. Ill let you know what I think once I've been out with them
if your getting the Votex's Check out http://cameralandny.com/ ask for Doug or Neal they will take good care of you.