WA draw
7/12/06 7:13pm
WA draw results are out. I went 0 for 5 for the ninth year in a row. Thank goodness I have some luck out of state. Good luck to the rest of you. 4c
I guess I'll have to get my "poacher" tag and hit the mountains myself!
I only put apps in for WA because bein' in the military doesn't allow me a lot of time to travel around like that. Not to mention, military pay doesn't exactly "fill the pocket book" enough for me to be able to travel and hunt anywhere I want. Sure would be nice though. However, I retire in under three years and I will certainly be doin' a little bit of travelin' once I'm a "civilian" again!
How's the blacktail lookin around Sultan this year? I'll be out around your neck of the woods next weekend doin' a bit of hiking and was just wondering. I really want to get off my behind and do some blacktail hunting one of these days but can't seem to get myself to leave my normal hunts on the east side behind.