WA State 09 (4)

Sorry about all the pictures, I haven't checked the cams in 3 weeks. Had well over 2,300 pictures, so I picked out the best of them. Lots of bulls rolling by my cams this year, but surprisingly not many quality bucks. Anyways, enjoy.

http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j292/rezstyle/SUNP0006-1.jpg" alt="" />

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10sign: 10sign: 10sign: :not-worthy :not-worthy

:thumb AWSOME PICS!!! thanks for sharing. lots of nice bulls but the one is a friekin' toad!
awesome pics!! :not-worthy :thumb
Great pics and some good looking bulls! Thanks for posting and good luck on connecting with one of those guys!
:not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy
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It really sucks, I brought my bow in a couple weeks before bow season back here, and I just got the call yesterday that it's finally done. My season lasts all of September, so I've only got a couple days left, but rifle season starts the 2nd week in October. Although I would've loved to be out during the rut and bow season, I'm going to really concentrate on getting the big one in here. The big one in here is the 7X8 (I have a better picture in one of my previous threads). I'd sure like to drop him. Our rifle season is October - end of the year on bulls.
Nice picks, sounds like you have them in active areas.
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looks like your camera got moved around by that one bull......

Checked mine this weekend...and no pics 'cept for the bear that knocked it off the tree. lol
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Unbelievable photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy 10sign: 10sign: