wall tent

thinking about getting a wall tent!!!

pro's and con's would be great thanks

Pro's - Keeps you nice and dry, very warm (especialy if your able to put a stove in it). Nice and roomy. Keeps the weather out. And it makes you look like you really now what your doing.

Con's - They are Heavy as all get out. Most are white and get filthy dirty easy. And they are kind of pricy.
Ditto to what DeadI said.

In addition you can put a wood stove in there and keep nice and warm. Also it used to be that you didn't have a floor unless you rolled out a tarp (at least in the ones I used to work with), but now you can get them with sewn in floors, or snap in floors. I used to work for Kirkhams in Salt Lake inspecting tents and I would not hessitate buying a wall tent from them. They have been in the business for quite a long time and know what they are doing.
Some things to keep in mind as far as the price goes:
Type of pole set - traditional style with single poles outside the tent along the eaves helt tight by guy ropes, or full internal frame pole set that the tent drapes over. If you go with the traditional style make sure they sew in steel rings to reinforce the holes, otherwise they will tear out.
Door - Some models will use a snap hook and ring type closure for the door with a zipper door being optional. Screen doors are also typically optional.
Windows - most wall tents come with no windows unless you specift you want them.
Stove pipe insert - Some models wont come stock with a stove pipe insert in the roof.

If it were me i'd go with a 16x20 tent with an internal frame pole set and a snap in floor. Zipper doors on both ends. Two large screened windows on each side, snap in divider so i can have the option of keeping my gear in one end and not have to see it all while I'm living in the other end,and a stove pipe insert in the roof so I can add a nice wood stove to keep me warm at 10,000ft duing my elk hunt.

Just my $.02
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1st off don't get one with less that 5' walls and no less the 12x16.
with a horse/ATV you can take the anywhere.
you don't need a big area to put one up
one man can normally put it up
If you get a big snow, you just pull camp, put it in the back of you pickup and go. your not pulling 30k of camper behind ya that is going to get totaled on the way out.
cost is low compared to a camper.
if you use a wood stove you don't worry about running out of propane.

even with a floor you tend to get mud and snow in the tent. I just put wood chips down and live with it.
have to cut fire wood.
must have a stove that will burn all night even with soft woods like pine. I still take some coal with me.
3 guys is about the limit unless you cook out side the tent.
limited storage, it takes some planning.

I've used a wall tent for years, and will give up elk hunting if I have to give up the wall tent.
what price are we talking guys?

would it be worth it to find a used one?

Cabela's Shown up to $1,400 with floor from Cabela's, I would guess that Kirkham's would be about double that from my experience with Kirkhams and it may be worth that for some people, but no one comes close to Cabela's return policy, especially on Cabela's brand items.
"Huge29" wrote:Cabela's Shown up to $1,400 with floor from Cabela's, I would guess that Kirkham's would be about double that from my experience with Kirkhams and it may be worth that for some people, but no one comes close to Cabela's return policy, especially on Cabela's brand items.

+1 on the cabelas warrenty

it looks like the price listed is just for the canvas, what does a frame cost? I plan in checking out Kirkhams tomorrow to see what they have

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try this site and I'll also post one other for ya.

please read the 6 top tips on buying a tent, It's good info.

if you order the angles and cut your own EMT you'll save a couple of 100 on the deal.

I have seen a few wall tents on craigs list under sporting goods.

I have seen the good and bad of the Alaknak tents, they will hold up in heavey winds, but on a trip to the black hills we had nights that down to 0, we were useing a propane heater insted of the wood stove and the tent had a lot of condensation build up. when we started the heater at night it was almost like it was raining. even sleeping bags got wet.

I like the heavy stoves over the light weight ones and the water heater on the side is SWEET! you do need to make sure there is always water in them do to evaporation but the hot water is worth it.
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If you do not mind the hassle of packing them in with horses or atvs and the price they cost for a good one.

They are otherwise great they will keep ya warm assuming you will have a wood stove and you can get the attatchment to heat water with the wood stove for Mnt house dinners coffee and for showers if you have a shower water pump kit.

Well worth the investment you can get the use out of them to justify the cost.
Buck Fever
9er, go to a local canvas shop and sit down and chat with the guy. We picked up a new tent about 4 years ago 12x14 with 5' walls for about $1000.00. Fits 4 guys comfortable. Built are own frame for around 300.00. Build a porch off the front to do most of the cooking and storage. Works great!!
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We had 6 guys in this camp, the tent with the tarp was for sleep and we only heated it at bed time and 1st thing in the morning , the cook tend has a 8' table for eating cards ect. and a cooking area. Looks like Jakes starting the peach cobler in his DO

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/tents/Dadspictures014.jpg" alt="" />.

same camp with a second tent not seen. I'm the hansome one in the hat.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/Dadspictures027.jpg" alt="" />

For 2 or 3 guys this works great, We use the trailer to cook in, also it beats haveing a bear come in the tent with ya in bear Country.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/ldjanos/My%20Bison/102_1486.jpg" alt="" />
lifetime hunter
9er we have one from Davis Tent.. LOVE IT!!! it looks like the one Larry has... come down and check it out and put it up see how u like it! well it's at Elk camp right now.. so when it gets back! unless u wanna go down this weekend and see it in action! lol
you could fit two of larry's in my wall tent. i got the 16 x 20 has worked extremely well for me and has withstood some pretty nasty storms.