Walmart Weatherby

Walmart is closing out these rifles at $350.00 so I couldn't resist getting one in 30-06. Here it is with a Williams receiver sight I had kicking around from a model 700 and the front sight from the same and a square partridge insert. The stock is made so that it easy to aquire the sights and it points nicely. Here's the target that came with it.
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they got any left handed models? If so, i need one. I will need to get my FFL to you or them though. thanks
350 is a heckof a deal for any new Wby. Congrats. It's a great looking rifle. 10sign:
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I've had the same rifle but in synthetic black for about 7 years and it has been a fantastic rifle!
Very nice and a great buy!
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Thanks. I had a change of heart when I found the barrel was long enough to catch on everything I walked under so I cut it to 20 inches and recrowned it and reinstalled the sight. It feels right now. I've got a military style shooting sling on it and it should be a good weapon that can take some abuse. A funny thing happened when I shortened the barrel. I can see the front sight clearly now. Must be my eyes focus best there. Getting old. :)) Next up is reworking the trigger to 2 1/2 pounds. The last one was a problem because of the way the safety works. You need to cut the safety sear after the trigger is perfect to get it to engage. It's one of those jobs that can go wrong fast. I'll take my time.
Looking good my friend. I love my Weatherby, by far my favorite rifle. Did you and the Mrs. draw some Colorado tags this year? Are you going to use some raised scope mounts and add a scope that tack driver?
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We drew Utah archery deer tags and I drew a colorado archery deer tag and we have arizona archery deer tags. I'll probably buy an OTC tag in colorado for elk 3rd season. This rifle will only wear the iron sights. It points nicely with them. I came to colorado with a 30-06 rem. 7600 pump with receiver sights and killed a 5 point elk running at 125 yards and a 5x4 muley at about 300 with it the first year out. Receiver sights shoot well if you practice a bit. I shot lots of prarie dogs with that 30-06 with a 100 grain Speer plinker out to 150 yards or so. It's not much of a handicap except in low light.
I had a friend who only would use a 30/30 with open sights. He hunted elk every year and killed quite a few with it. "He always said 100 yard max or it can live". How far do you feel comfortable with your setup?
Sounds like you two have some excellent tags. :thumb I'm looking forward to hearing about your hunts.
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Growing up I learned to shoot on receiver sights and the sporterized military rifles and ammo that were plentiful at the time. When I got older we would sit down at the blackpowder range and ring the swingers with our iron sighted rifles just for fun out to 500 meters. The 500 was a ram about the size of a small deer. After you do something enough you get pretty good at it. Here's the photos of my first muley with the receiver sighted pump gun and the elk too. Both one shot kills. The muley at 300. I'm pretty comfortable to 300 yards.
Excellent. I haven't used those type of sights before. I know my brothers would shoot at 500 meters plus in the marines with open sights and be very accurate. With you being able to hit at ranges like that, I probably wouldn't use a scope either.
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I still own several scoped rifles but over the years I've had scopes fail me at bad times. The iron sights never have. The last really huge elk I shot at (in front of a witness!!) I missed at 150 yards because the scope had changed zero. Not a cheap scope either, a Leupold. Not having a scope on a hunting rifle makes it much easier to carry too.