wanna here a crazy story??????

so i dont know if you remember the story i posted with me and my mom when i was able to take her deer hunting this year but-- my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer this last year and it was a real shock! she is only 50 yrs old and is in VERY good health. she walkes 1 1/2 miles every day [without fail] and is pretty active. after all the tests she found out that , according to the doc, if you were to get a cancer the one she had would be the one you want. so they were able to go in and operate and remove the cancerouse tumer on her breast and then she had treatment after that. luckly she didn't have to do Keemotherapy [ not sure of spelling] just the radiation. 6 1/2 weeks everyday at 7:00 am in the morning to drive 45 min. to the town they do the radiation in.
so now she is completly rcoverd from it and has o cancer in her and she just has to take some medication for a couple yrs to make sure it never comes back.

here comes the crazy part!!my dad and mom are pasters of a church here in town and one of the things with all this medical problems is it's very expensive! just a year ago she got a MAJOR MEDICLE insurance policy to cover anything that ever came up like this. well come to find out it didn't cover anything that you didn't have to stay in the hospital for [ 99% of cancer treatment is an outpatient treatment] so they ended up with a fat $ 60,000 bill at the end of it all

so being in the pastorial feild they are around alot of very friendly people. there churche had fundraiser and tried the best they could to help out/ it raised a good $ 10,000 . that is a big help but still a TON to go!. my mom signed up for a payment program to start paying on the bill.
the hospital told her to fill out some papers for them. sometimes the hospital will negotiate the bill if the person qualified for it. so they had to give ALL there past tax records to them.

Well weeks went buy and the waiting game played out....... today they got the letter from the hospital......... the hospital wrote off 100% of what was left on there bill!!!! about $50,000!!
my parents are VERY religious and would pray all the time for something like this, i never thought much of it, now........... it kinda makes you wander
That is really awesome to hear Killer! I am pleased to hear that everything working out in the end.

Good luck to your mother and I hope she never has to deal with it again, my friend.

Of course, this DOES mean that I expect her to bring home an even bigger buck next year =D>
it is pretty amazing, $50,000, gone! wrote off! that is the same as winning some lottery for $50,000! one day your planning on taking yrs to pay a $50,000 debt and then the next day it's gone....... wow,it is pretty amazing !
Thats awesome. You must of got Gephardt :) but serioussly(sp) thats cool
That is wonderful! Praise God for His goodness to your family. Thanks for sharing this Killerbee. =D>
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That is wonderful Killerbee. Mag God give your family his strength and blessings through this tough time. We will add your Mom in our prayers. :)
that is a nice story to hear.
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You can do it!!!

My mother-in-law came down with ovarian cancer and ended up raising about $130,000 in order to pay for her treatments which included a stem cell replacement. At the time, that stem cell stuff was BRAND new and cost MUCHO $$$$$$.
jersey boy
Well i am very happy for your parents to not have to worry about all that stress and money. But tahts is awesome the church raised that much.
that is awesome its great when people can do stuff like that for other people
go got ma rub on you befor your next hunt