Want to be a guide?
1/24/07 7:09pm
Just curiouse how many of you guys would be interested in guideing? Contrary to what people might think you can make some pretty good money depending on where you guide. I went to a guide and packers school when I was eighteen years old and it was the best time I ever had in my life. We lived in wall tents next to a blue ribbon stream in Montana. An average day was up early to the kitchen tent for an awsome breakfast and some coffee. We learned everything to know about packing with mules and horeses. We took lots of hikes and day rides,all night rides,and at the end of the class it was a full blown pack trip into the pintler wilderness in montana. We saw tons of wild life and learned great hunting tacktics from some of the best guides in the buisiness. When the 1 month school was finished they offer a free job placement. You will have your choice of any state you want to guide in. If your at all interested in this let me know I would be glad to give you more details.
Man, and you were infering that I was the OLD MAN (I've been in since '89).
you gtta put up with people who say their compitant but aren't, people who can't spot a deer if it fell on 'em, people who can't hit the broad side of a barn, and they blame you for all of it...so think long and hard on that Boy's...Later