Want to start hunting Mule Deer questions

This is my first post here and it's a really informative site..
I've hunted all my life growing up in Mississippi but when I moved to CA I pretty much stopped hunting well as of recently I've been bitten by the bug to get out and do some hunting again.

I'd like to hunt some of the other western states for Mule deer and Elk and such but have no experience with such . That being said could yall give a beginner some advice on how to get started ...is going with a guide the best way out ( if so could some of yall shoot me some good guide references) ? ......Any advice or information will be greatly appreciated it's been way too long since I seriously hunted and am now itching to get back into it.........as well as taking my sons out to enjoy what I enjoyed growing up....

Thank yall in advance

MississippiRed, WELCOME to MULEYMADNESS!! Glad to have ya aboard!

Boy, where to start? I guess you would have to start by figuring out where you want to hunt and what animals you want to take on first. Just my opinion but that would dictate whether or not you would need a guide and what type of equipment you would need (I assume that since you hunted as a youth that you already know the basics).

I also assume that since you grew up hunting in the south (MS) that you primarily hunted whitetails. I hunt both whitetail and mulies every year and I think the BIGGEST difference is most of the mulie country is fairly wide open vice the heavy trees/forest areas that most whitetails frequent so good optics are a must! Also, since the country is wide open, most shots are of a much further distance than most shots taken at whitetails in the brush and trees. Therefore a good flat-shootin, longer range rifle is important. Although I know there are folks here at MM and at home that still use a 30.30 or .243, I prefer a .270 or my trusty 30.06. There are folks still that go even bigger but again, in my opinion, the .270 or 30.06 are great (The .308 is also a nice fire-arm to have).

Just start firing questions at us and we'll answer them to the best of our ability. I think we have a pretty good representation of folks from just about every decent mulie area in the west so let us know where you are thinkin' about huntin' and we'll help ya out as best we can.

GOOD LUCK my friend and get those kids outdoors!
Welcome to the site MississippiRed! (Can't believe you left MS for CA!!!) Like AGCHawk said, you first need to figure out a lot before you hunt. Your initial questions are too far ranging to give you any "exact" answers, so just ask your questions as they come. Plenty of folks on here with lots of experience and willing to help others. Just a suggestion, but once you figure out what state and what animal you want to hunt, take a crash course on submitting your application for tags. Some states easy, some not. Most states have a deadline sometime in the spring for applying.
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Thank yall for the warm welcome and as I get more specific questions I'll be sure to put them up.....

I left MS behind a gal I met out here in CA who was to become my wife and mother of my kids......but man if I had to do it again......I don't know...MS ain't just where I'm from it's who I am but that being said .......I'm looking to get in a position to get some property down there in the next few years though.....where I can go down and hunt a little plus have something to give my kids when they reach adulthood..

As far as what I'm looking to hunt........Mule Deer, Elk and of course if I can Whitetail.....

For where well I'm not really sure........looking at Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana, Idaho even up into Canada (B.C. and Alberta ) if possible.........

And yall answered one of my questions already as I shoot the old trusty 06 and even though I have a .300 WSM , 25 06 and 7mm 08 I've usually picked up the 06 more times than any of the others.......

Thank yall again

welcome to the site
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Like Hawk said welcome.

There really is no need to hire a guide if you have time to do some scouting, but may be hard living in CA. Optics are a must, I don't glass a whole lot, but I still use them.

Any of the '06 family are great. I like the 25-06, 270 and the 30-06.

THe most important thing is to have fun.
MississippiRed, Put Wy on your list.

For a start both WY and MT last day for deer applications is March 15. So right after the first of the year, got to get started. You can hunt on your own in both states. Get your maps early and study. :thumb
Ask your questions, we'll answer best we can.

One more thing, A good many non-res hunters are going to ND & SD these days, lots of deer and an easy draw.

MississippiRed, Welcome to Muley Madness. :) You came to the right place for Muley advice.

Click on the "Guides" tab in the navigation bar at top, then click the state you're interested in. There are some good, reputable, guides there if interested.

I don't hunt with guides, so I can't give you personal advice.

Mule deer hunting is a lot of fun, so not sure on any specifics you have.

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My advice for you MR is if your going to hunt out of your home state put in for the limited entry units ,That is your best odds of getting a good spot to start.I know some good units here in utah that out of staters have really good odds of drawing , The numbers of deer in this area are great. If you would like more info on these areas PM me i'll lead you in a good direction! :)