4/6/04 11:18am
:?: :?:
is there a place to BUY a Mule Deer?
was crusin a different forum- found ad for 'wanted Northern raised mule deer'
I did not know they were legal to raise and sell?
"Looking for a mule deer - Terry ? (Connellsville, PA)
Posted 04/05/2004
I am searching for a Northern raised muley. I haven't been able to locate a web site dealing with mule deer sales, so I figured I would put an ad on this site. If you know of anybody who has any for sale around PA, please notify me ASAP. Thank you"
is there a place to BUY a Mule Deer?
was crusin a different forum- found ad for 'wanted Northern raised mule deer'
I did not know they were legal to raise and sell?
"Looking for a mule deer - Terry ? (Connellsville, PA)
Posted 04/05/2004
I am searching for a Northern raised muley. I haven't been able to locate a web site dealing with mule deer sales, so I figured I would put an ad on this site. If you know of anybody who has any for sale around PA, please notify me ASAP. Thank you"
Just kidding.
I BELIEVE you must own a license to raise deer, especially if they are not native to that area (This guy apparently lives in PA). I could be way off base on this though. I have known two different people who picked up fawns after the mother was killed (Vehicle strikes) and raised them but they both lived in the country and the deer were free to roam in and out of thier property. Not sure how it works if you plan on pen raising them ( Selling sperm for stock, etc).
Sounds pretty funny.
I know that in other states (missouri) they have permits to raise whitetail deer, on "deer farms". I have seen a couple of them. I haven't ever heard of somebody wanting to buy a mule deer!
I guess I'll go and try to rope one! :D
I can see it now, some dumbs*** out there trying to put a rope around one to sell later on. I'd pay money just to watch that! I wouldn't put it past some of the guys I grew up with in boonies of SE WA though (no offense to those of you from there. After all, so am I)