I just returned from a early season deer hunt in Meadow Lake Saskachewan with DELORME OUTFITTERS. Please heed this warning and avoid this outfitter. The owner Leon Delorme a native indian is not stable and will throw you out if your not happy with what they do there. It starts with guides that have no clue and are just taxi drivers. They were late to pick us up every day including getting in our stands after sun up, walking out of stands at 11am to meet them as they requested and them not showing up till 12:45. Taking me on a 2 hour ride into the bush to call for moose and elk and realizing they have no gas and having to turn around without ever hunting. Driving out to a stand and finding another hunter already there. Then you must be carefull what you say at the lodge as it is his motherinlaws house. She sits in her room in the back and listens to everything you say and then tells the owner Leon. Upon telling the rest of our guys we booked a earlier flight the next day we were hostily woken up at 5am to a crazy owner yelling at us threatening to kill us and taking a swing at me while we were still in bed. Normally we would have kick the shit out of him but wiser minds thought about where we were on an indian reservation in canada, who knows who was down stairs or waiting for us out side so we just left and caught an ealier flight. PPPLLLEEEAAAASSSEEEE do not book a hunt at DELORME OUTFITTERS MEADOW LAKE SAKACHEWAN
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Sounds like a nightmare! You should post a review in the guide section as well!!!
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I plan a yearly hunt for a group of my friends and found an out of the way lodge last year in NW CO. Our daughter got sick and I was unable to go. In any event, the lodge I booked included the meals every night and meat storage for the guys who went. As it turns out the owner and her husband were stone drunk by 9am every morning, never made a meal unless they got badgered by the group and the guys got sick on old defrosted meals that she reheated. They went out of business the next year but what a frustrating scenario when I had no reason to suspect anything but a first class operations for the years worth of planning. The lodge reaked of urine since their animals went on the floor... lovely lovely
Wow, what an experience the two of you had! BE sure and always get references from others especially on such an expensive rare trip! On that note, be sure and leave feedback everywhere you can particularly where others will look, such as on Google maps, tripadvisor and I am sure that there are specific sites for outfitters.
The Ox
wow sorry to hear your troubbles i dont see how anyone can run a business like that! why even get into the business if you dont wanna run it right? thanks for the heads up
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wow, thats terrible... pretty much all i can say. :>/
I have a friend who had a similar experience on a Indian reservation I think it was in Saskatchewan, the guide just drove them around didnt do crap for them once they got their money it was more sight seeing than hunting. oTo make along story short, once my friend voiced his opinion he was told his hunt was over. Not sure of the outfits name but I know it was not a good situation and he had a heck of a time trying to get back to USA, they caused some problems for him, when on a indian reservation be careful what you say or do you are in a different world on their land and different laws altogether.
"huntfishnv" wrote:wow, thats terrible... pretty much all i can say. :>/
Agreed :>/
What a nightmare!!! :>/ Thanks for the warning and reminder to go the extra mile when planning a hunt.
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had similar experience back in 04, I thought I would tip the guide and see what would happen, they took me off the rez to hunt with out telling me, Crazy nuts...got a nice buck While hunting on my own back on the rez... the guide nearly chit his pants when he saw the buk....cost me $5G's
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What a crazy way to start a hunt i have never heard something like that to be late in the morning hunt ha how crazy you should put something on the canada guide service page thanks for sharing
I've always assumed most people knew about this resource but in case some of you haven't there is an online database that's regularly updated called "The Hunting Report". Hunters submit detailed reports for outfitters, hunting areas, gear, and all kinds of hunting related experiences/topics throughout the U.S. and the world. It's $5 a month but when planning a big trip and dropping several thousand dollars on that it's worth it (to me) to spend a couple bucks to look up any outfitters your thinking about on here and seeing what other hunters have said about whose good/bad in the area you're looking to go. I think they offer some kind of free trial subscription with limited access if you're unsure whether or not you want to commit to a full year. Anyways, just a resource some of you might be interested in when planning a big hunt, I've found it pretty useful.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience though, there are horror stories in every area of nobody's trying to make some money "guiding" hunts, it's pretty important to search for a reputable outfit and in my opinion worth it to go with someone whose maybe not the absolute cheapest but who will provide an experience on level with what you're looking for. (Not to say that you can't find great trustworthy guides for relatively cheap, you definitely can, it's just very important to do some detailed background checks when planning these kind of trips)