wasatch front extended archery

I just found out about and signed up on Muley Madness. I am an archery hunter up here in northern Utah. I hunt on the Cache mostly. Had a pretty good year up here did not take a buck but saw a lot of good ones. More bucks than I have seen in a long time.

I got pretty inspired after seeing a lot of good bucks this year. I want to keep on hunting and am looking in to hunting the Wasatch front extended area. I am taking a week off work the first part of November to hunt. Would have liked to take the time off a little later but work would not cooperate.

I have never hunted the extended area before and would be grateful for any advice I can find. If I get nothing back I still plan on giving it my best shot.

Good luck to all in your hunting adventures.
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I don't know much about the northern Wasatch Front extended area, but have heard some good things about Farmington Canyon. One thing you'll find is that it's steep terrain so be prepared to hike. It seems like you just have to explore and find some good spots for yourself.
Good luck with it.

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I hunt the extended 3 times a week I will hook you up send me a PM
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Thanks for the tips. I had heard that there was some pretty good area above farmington. I will look in to it for sure.
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Remember that the mulies will begin to rut later in November and the bucks are easier to find then. We'll go during the thanksgiving holidays and camp and hunt.
Send me you're number when you have a chance