Wasatch LE unit

I know im jumping the gun a bit but the wheels are already spinning in my brain about this. Wondering if anyone drew this tag for archery last year? I have enough points to draw it this year and im debating on doing it or not. Succes stories and such please lets hear.
Thanks fellas
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I was muzzleloader deer hunting up there at the end September 2010 and saw a lot more bull elk than buck deer. One was the biggest bull I've ever seen alive in the wild. (Obviously seen bigger dead ones in pictures.) It was a lot more fun hearing the bulls bugle and watching this massive bull push around a bunch of cows than it was trying to find a deer to shoot. After watching him for a minute I remembered I had my video camera in my pack so I got it out just in time to get about 4 seconds of him before he trotted behind some trees. I'll see if I can figure out how to post it.
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"Sniper1" wrote:I know im jumping the gun a bit but the wheels are already spinning in my brain about this.
By-the-way, I know what you mean about spinning your wheels on this. I've got 7 points for deer and am trying to decide if I want to hold out for the Henry's or put in for one of the lesser limited entry units. I'm already losing sleep over big bucks! ](*,)
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Lunder I was also muzzy deer in the Wasatch, and agree. The elk were a riot to watch. Deer were pretty scarce for us, but we saw elk and some nice bulls every day. I wish I had more points.
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Ya i got fingers crossed for an archery tag. Should be a good time. What tags did you folks put in for this year?
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I ended up putting in for a LE deer tag instead of elk. I've got 7 points for deer and 3 for elk so I'm going to try and get the deer tag used up and then I'll start putting in for elk again. I think I'll do the Wasatch unit though when I do start putting in for elk. That's a good unit.
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Sniper1 I am also up there in points and put in wasatch archery elk. should be good times.
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I had the archery tag last year. Be prepared for a ton of company in general season hunters. There is very few spots I have found to get away from the masses. The bull I did finally arrow was chased off by someone else who said he found the blood and wanted to see how big the animal was. I caught up to him after I waited for an hour to make sure the bull went down. I didn't know there was someone less than 100 yards away, but it was common. I spent the next day and a half searching for him without any luck and ended up without a bull. It was tough because the bulls would not bugle much even toward the end of the season. You will see a ton of elk on the bow hunt, but getting between them and water or feed while they move is a different story.

It was the toughest hunt I have done to date, but also the funnest. So much fun infact that I am doing the rifle hunt this year.
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Someone shot one heck of a piece of meat....LOL. I read the Admin posts under the picture and HAD to respond. Am I wrong in my post? Whether I am or not, I just don't see the appeal in shooting something that is penned up (no matter how big the enclosure) and paid a bounty to kill.