Wasatch Mountains Turkey Help!!!!

My old man finally drew a tag, 6 years later, on the wasatch mtns. unit. Only problem is, he nor I have ever been turkey hunting and I would just like to get him a chance at finding a decent bird (???) , seeing how this could be his last chance at one of these due to his age. I dont want to know your exact field or gps cords just a general location to start cluckin' around! Thanks guys!
Congratulations on the tag. =D>

How well do you know the area that you drew the tag for? I would be glad to give you a few pointers on where to start looking.
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Thanks! :))

I've hunted from hobble creek to cascade springs for deer the past couple years, but have only seen a couple birds on private property in wallsburg. I'll go anywhere now that he actually drew out. Thanks for the reply.
I've never seen and birds down that way. But I don't spend very much time down there. The two main spots that people chase turkeys in the Heber valley are in the mouth of Daniels Canyon and from the Provo River up around the state park golf course and on up into Snake Creek Canyon. This is where most of the turkeys live but they keep expanding so it doesn't hurt to keep you eyes open during you travels. There has been a couple of times that they have been out pecking around behind the house in the spring but they don't stick around when they don't find much food.

If I see any in my travels I'll be sure to let you know. This is a way fun hunt. This is the first year that I could start putting in again but I wasn't lucky enough to draw though. Maybe next year. [-o<
Ohh yeah,

Did you draw the early or late tag?
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Thanks for the help, I'll start looking at those places this weekend. He drew the early (april 14-22). I appreciate the help man.

A key thing to remember during the early hunt is that most of the turkeys will be hanging around the edge of the snow pack. I think that they are chasing the new grass that is coming up. So if you are not seeing them out out in the feilds move up into the foothills to the edge of the snow. that might help.
i have never been in to turkry huntitng myself