Wasatch Mountains Turkey Help!!!!
1/29/07 7:53pm
My old man finally drew a tag, 6 years later, on the wasatch mtns. unit. Only problem is, he nor I have ever been turkey hunting and I would just like to get him a chance at finding a decent bird (???) , seeing how this could be his last chance at one of these due to his age. I dont want to know your exact field or gps cords just a general location to start cluckin' around! Thanks guys!
How well do you know the area that you drew the tag for? I would be glad to give you a few pointers on where to start looking.
I've hunted from hobble creek to cascade springs for deer the past couple years, but have only seen a couple birds on private property in wallsburg. I'll go anywhere now that he actually drew out. Thanks for the reply.
If I see any in my travels I'll be sure to let you know. This is a way fun hunt. This is the first year that I could start putting in again but I wasn't lucky enough to draw though. Maybe next year. [-o<
Did you draw the early or late tag?