Wasatch Mountains West Mule Deer

Well I applied for this unit in anticipation of being up at college in Provo, and I got it! I'm stoked. However I'm not very familiar with the area. I have spent some time in southern utah hunting mule deer. Luckily since I'll be up there prior to the hunt I'll be able to spend some time scouting. I was wondering if anybody could maybe point me in a good general direction, or if anyone here is looking for a hunting partner for that area I'd be happy to fill that role, and help pack out your kill. Lemme know! Anything helps! Thanks.
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After doing some more searching on the Internet seems like there is not shortage of deer in the area, so after I get my surgery this summer and make it up there in late summer for school I'll just start searching for my area I plan on hunting. Looking at maps just turns up lots of good looking areas! Looking forward to getting my boots on the ground in late August and seeing what I can find.
Springville Shooter
I have hunted between Cascade Mt and Maple Mt for a few years. There are deer and people in every draw. Do a little scouting and put yourself in a good spot on opening day and you will kill a buck every year. If you want a bigger buck, it becomes a little more difficult and you will have to work extra hard to find and get to the rougher spots. I can help you if you need further info. I have had my best luck on the ridge just south of Provo peak. -------SS
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Thanks a bunch for the info! I will let you know how it goes when I can get up there. I was actually looking at the Cascade Mountain area and around Provo peak as my two first areas to scout! Glad I was on the right track. Thank you again! Hopefully I will be able repay the favor and help you out sometime!
Springville Shooter
No need to thank me, it is a very popular area. You will see a bunch of orange. However, I have always ended up seeing more bucks than hunters on opening day. I have killed two 18ish 3 points and a small four up there. Two years ago I got a cool non typical on trail cam and never heard of him being killed. If you plan on hunting in the fray, think long and hard about where deer will be, where pressure will come from, and where deer will go. Solve that equation and you might end up with a running deer Smorgas board. There is some deep dark stuff especially on the southeast end of Provo and the backside of Maple. You will burn the boot leather to get there and there will still be a few folks.=================SS
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That is comforting! Well I am definitely getting excited! I am gonna PM you with a couple questions.
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Greetings All,

I know this thread is a year old but am hoping someone sees it and hops back on in. My son and I are new to Utah and drew this area to hunt this year. We've checked some other sites and folks have offered some good strategic info. We are going to scout out Squaw Peak Road on Saturday would that be a good run to make that would take us to some places we could park and hike in to hunt?