Wasatch muzzy hunt

My dad and I were fortunate enough to draw the Wasatch muzzleloader hunt. I am trying to plan a couple of scouting trips and am looking for any info possible. I want this to be an awesome hunt so any help would be great. Thanks
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I had a wasatch early rifle tag last year, very fun hunt. Near the end of the hunt the bulls really started to rut good. That Muzzleloader tag should be awesome to have. I sent you a PM with some info.
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Thank you for the help it's much appreciated. I am hyped for this hunt can hardly wait!
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Should be a good hunt but can be hard to get away from the hords of people. Do your share of scouting and get off the main beaten paths. Mill Hollow area south of Woodland is a good area but stay away from the herds of sheep and those big white dogs. Good luck
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Yea there are a lot of sightseers in the area doing there thing. Hoping to get as far away from most of them as poss. Thanks for the info.