We are off.

Well we are off tomorrow afternoon for my Dads Diamond Mountain LE muzz deer hunt. I sure hope that we can get him a good one. Should be a fun hunt. Hopefully when I get back I will have some success pictures to share with you.
Best of luck DeadI. My opinion is that the rut has just started. I think that last wednesday night when I shot my bull was the first that the rut got going heavy and strong. At least in the experience that I had. Should be good. Hope to see some pics.
Have fun and good luck. I know that they have had some cases of CWD out that way so it might not hurt to have your deer checked. Haven't heard anything for awhile but I thought that I would give you a heads up.
"NotEnufTags" wrote:Best of luck DeadI. My opinion is that the rut has just started. I think that last wednesday night when I shot my bull was the first that the rut got going heavy and strong. At least in the experience that I had. Should be good. Hope to see some pics.
what the heck, did i miss the post??
good luck deadI, i'm setting a calender date as to when i get to read another good hunting story.

kill or no kill , make sure to have a great time with your dad. the more i get older, the more i appriciate these times :thumb
have fun and take pics
Oh yea we will have fun. Thanks for the heads up on the CWD. Definatly good to know. But the elk rut will probably do us no good when we are hunting deer unless the deer out there are those dang funny deer. lol
"DeadI" wrote:Oh yea we will have fun. Thanks for the heads up on the CWD. Definatly good to know. But the elk rut will probably do us no good when we are hunting deer unless the deer out there are those dang funny deer. lol
OOPS! lol

I hope I'm not the only one that gets ahead of myself when reading these posts. I read Diamond Mountain and thought Elk. Skipped right over the deer part. I'm feeling a little dumb right now but will get over it soon enough.

Maybe a a nice buck will come into hoochie mama or a primos terminator. Go ahead and try and let us know how it works out for you lol
"killerbee" wrote:
NotEnufTags wrote:Best of luck DeadI. My opinion is that the rut has just started. I think that last wednesday night when I shot my bull was the first that the rut got going heavy and strong. At least in the experience that I had. Should be good. Hope to see some pics.
what the heck, did i miss the post??
The is titled My First Elk - 2010. It went under the radar a bit, but it's back near the top.
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good luck!!!
Well we are back. My dad was able to tag a good buck last night. When I get some time to download the pictures I will make a post of the hunt. I will just tell you this. He was not the biggest buck that we had a chance at but he was in the top 5 so we are pretty happy..............to be continued.
10sign: :thumb whooooooo hooooo!!!!!!, cant wait buddy!