We are off.
9/27/10 9:14pm
Well we are off tomorrow afternoon for my Dads Diamond Mountain LE muzz deer hunt. I sure hope that we can get him a good one. Should be a fun hunt. Hopefully when I get back I will have some success pictures to share with you.
kill or no kill , make sure to have a great time with your dad. the more i get older, the more i appriciate these times :thumb
have fun and take pics
I hope I'm not the only one that gets ahead of myself when reading these posts. I read Diamond Mountain and thought Elk. Skipped right over the deer part. I'm feeling a little dumb right now but will get over it soon enough.
Maybe a a nice buck will come into hoochie mama or a primos terminator. Go ahead and try and let us know how it works out for you lol