We helped set a world record this weekend.....

Again, if you don't want to hear a father brag a little then just move to the next thread...LOL.

This weekend my son participated in his last wrestling tournament of the spring. He got the opportunity to wrestle in the Jason Crawfard Memorial Tournament, the largest single day youth wrestling event in the nation. Check that....now the WORLD! Yup, they set the world record for the largest single day youth tournament with almost 1,400 wrestlers attending! (I believe that the final tally was 1,384) We were there at 5:45 am for registration and weigh-in and did not leave until after 10:30 that same night.

Skylor wrestled awesome and took first place too (In his age group and weight bracket of course)! I think that it's pretty cool that he can say "I took first place in the largest tournament EVER!". He was completely spent by the time it was over but I don't think he would change a thing about it!

Anyway, here is a news article on the tournament and a pic of my little man on the podium (The 3rd place finisher was so tired he stood up there for about 30 seconds and then moved on...LOL). Too cool if you ask me!

Congrats to you son on an amazing win! How many kids were in his bracket? That is a LOT of wresting in one day!
Goodness that is a lot of matches, impressive. Well done on your boy and he must have a good dad to. :thumb
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That is super cool. I love sports and think it is great when kids have fun and get involved. Winning is just the icing on the cake. Congrats.
one hunting fool
Man I just don't have the words to tell you how cool i think that is. You must be so proud. (I know I would be) tell your little man congrates for me.
Thanks guys...and yes, I am one proud father!!!

ABert, they had all the wrestlers in 8 man brackets. They bracketed them by age, experience, and weight. Skylor was the Champion of the 8 yr old bracket, 2+ yrs experience, @ 49 lbs. He won his first match w/ a 1st round pin (Power double at the whistle, straight into a cradle over the top), his second match ended 7-0, and he took the championship with a 4-1 victory. Sky was bloodied and bruised but fought like a madman for that trophy! (We actually had to pack his lip with gauze due to a pretty decent cut inside his mouth during the second round). The Championship was actually closer than the 4-1 score too. It was 2-1 with 8 seconds left when Sky took his opponent down for an additional 2 points. I JUST ABOUT had a heart attack when he took that shot with 8 seconds left and a 1 point lead too! I wanted him to stay on his feet for that last 8 seconds but guess he decided that true champs don't stall for the last 8 seconds regardless of who is winning...LOL.

Sky is already asking when the new Guinness book comes out so that he can buy a copy!
Way to cool for words.

pretty awsome stuff HAWK! :thumb
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That is great. There is no better sport to turn boys into men than wrestling. You win and lose out there on the mat all by yourself. My boy will be 5 next year and able to start wrestling. I'm pretty excited. Its pretty fun watching the little guys roll around out there.
You said it Deputy!!!
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"dc deputy" wrote:That is great. There is no better sport to turn boys into men
i have to dis agree rugby has it beat. still a great sport though
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that is too cool though cant wait till my boy is old enough to start sports