Week #2 Winner
5/14/07 4:58pm
Contest if officially over as of this post for the 2nd WEEK!!
I have a winner!!
I'll have the winner pick his/her shirt size, hat color/style, DVD, Mouse Pad, later so I can get the prize out ASAP!!
Week #2 May 14th
Register withing the second week and contribute at least 5 posts to the forum allows you to be eligible to win...
- Hunting DVD - $19.95 value
T-Shirt -17.95 value
Hunting Hat (Elk or Deer) - $17.95 value
Hunting Decal - $14.95 value
Spudz Lens Cloth - $5.00 value
ScreenSaver Package - $7.00 value
Total Value Week #1 = $85.75
Please PM me your Address and name.
Would it be helpful to you if I just sent you my sizes and preferences NOW, so that when I win next week's prize you can send it out more quickly!! :thumb
I like you man, you can stick around for a while...no pun intended. :) :)
No need to send Brett your address........the next bunch will be heading to the land of tainted sunshine. :)
What you guys think, anyone know him. I haven't emailed him but would like to give the prize to guys/gals who visit often and use the site.
Not sure if he'll return anytime soon?
You're the Bossman. :-k
Stickflicker....With a Pope and Young world record to your credit don't ya think that the "sun has shined on ya" enough?!?!....LOL How about some fool like me who couldn't win a thing if I were the only contestant!
Of course, if ya get some time to share the story behind that AWESOME speedgoat of yours then I may cut ya a little slack!
Didn't you win the voluntold contest a couple years ago? Took me two tries to finally get it. I'm still in the states at the moment in Port Hueneme. Fly out to Ft Jackson tomorrow for a couple of weeks then on to the Big Show!
Maybe you should set a deadline for a response? Five days, a week? I'm thinking I should withdraw from the contest as I don't know if I'll be able to respond or even check in with where I'm heading.
I'm not going to one of the big bases so don't know what kind of innanet connectivity they'll have, if any.
Except in a case like ABert's. Wait till he's back. :thumb
Aberts gonna be back, and MM is gonna be going strong. =D>
In fact, I am TRYING to volunteer to head back over there for another tour but I keep getting told "I am too valuable where I am at"...which as you know means "We would rather send someone who would rather stay stateside...LOL". Trust me, I am NOT "too valuable" here!
Good luck my friend and again, if I manage to get my way and end up in your locale I'll look ya up! You'll be the guy in the DCUs, right?
So we will have 2 winners next Monday.