well i am back from my moose hunt, tag filled!

well iam back i hunted hard for almost 10 full days and did not see a lot of bulls, all in all i seen about 20 moose and only 6 bulls i seen a lot of cows but no good bulls.it was pretty warm and a full moon alot of the time i was up there so it did not seem like much was moving around. i hunted currant creek,wildcat and co-op creek pretty hard! and was not finding any good bulls. talked to a lot of elk hunters, forest service guys , and ranchers. no one had been seeing any good bulls. i ended up moving over toward mill hollow and ended up taking one out of there. i hope your all not to dissapoionted lol. i know he is probably a dink to all you guys up there, but i am happy with him and worked hard for him so its a good feeling . i was a little bummed at first because of lack of plams but he is quite different. looks more like elk antlers and i have been callin him the moelk(moose/elk) lol but he does not have much for palms or points but he is just shy of 42 inches wide. i am not very familiar with the area and could not afford to do a lot of scouting and after spending all the money i already have i could not pass. he was the biggest bull i had seen. i contemplated taking him for a while passed got back to the truck and went back and took him.i shot him with my rifle not a bow unfortunatley but its ok and i feel pretty happy i got a decent buck and a trophy in the eye of the beholder moose this year lol . i had an awesome couple hunts this year and all the highs and lows ya go through is so exhilarting looking back and i feel relieved to have gotten a moose i am happy with! i wanna thank everyone that was willing to help and share info on the area . it helped a great deal. i will get more pics and the story up another day and thanks again! hope ya enjoy!
o ya i was wearing those shoes around camp cause they slip on easy and forgot to change them so of course i killed and got them all bloody and wet lol lucky shoes i guesslol

OX congratulations on your Moose =D> sounds like it was great hunt.
The Ox
thanks it was a great hunt! and definently one that was well earned i was getting exhausted but i kept hammering away. ill ddefinently remember this for years too come. the wether could not have been worse nothing was moving around and i am glad i got one. there are defiently smaller ones out there so i cant complain!
very cool. i've heard a lot of the L.E. hunt are tough this year cause of the conditions. i would be happy and proud of that moose. congrats! and thanks for sharing
Congrats on a nice bull ox! and i like the shoes. There master moose hunting shoes :) If you wanna see something crazy you should see my rabbit hunting boots :))
I Don't see anything wrong with that bull. He is a great animal. The best part about it is you now have a freezer full of delicious moose meat. Good job. :thumb
CONGRATS OX! I can't see the pics at the moment (I am at work and Photobucket is one of the many sites that it blocked by our firewall) but will check them out when I get home.

Just wanted to say CONGRATS on a successful hunt...especially with the tough hunting conditions you were experiencing.
one hunting fool
Holy crap i didn't know you knew Hank Williams Jr. =D> that is awesome, great bull.
That is one sexy bull!!!!!!!!! I like it!!! congrats buddy!!!! 10sign:
"one hunting fool" wrote:Holy crap i didn't know you knew Hank Williams Jr. =D>
+1 congrats OX..... Nice bull 10sign:
Just got home and saw the pix Ox....AWESOME!

Agreed, he does kinda have Elk look to his rack...cool bull though. Nice and wide, congrats on a job well done. Excellent work.
Nice bull i would be happy with that :thumb
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I have the same Wasatch moose tag this year. I have only hunted a couple of days counted probably 18 moose - 12 bulls. Most bulls are yearlings to 30-inch spreads. I am having the same problem as you, not finding the larger bulls. Hunted Wildcat this past saturday (saw zilch), however, ran into 2 other moose hunters. One guy mentioned that he was seeing moose & larger bulls high above the tree line, he had a photo of a fairly nice one 42-45 inches wide.

Not sure where the big bulls are hiding out. Normally you see several large moose in Wildcat, maybe it is too early?? Hopefully, the big bulls will come down to the cows this week for the rut?? We have seen 6 cows & only one had a bull in tow. Getting the leaves off the trees should make the spotting easier in October.

Anyway - nice bull. :thumb With the price of gas/diesel it makes for a pretty expensive hunt - I can sympathize with your wanting to get the hunt over.

Anyone else sees a decent moose during the muzzleloader or elk hunts I would be interested in hearing about it. Thanks.

(Obsessive Compulsive Fisherman)
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one last question - do you think there is 8-inches of hair between the horns. I am try to field judge the width on some of these moose?


Welcome and best of luck. Not much help on your tag though! Hope the big ones start appearing.
Good job on getting your Bull! =D> Looks like a full freezer for the OX family.
The Ox
hahahaha hank williams ya thats my step dad he actually gets the charlie daniels one a lot too lol. but anyway thanks guys appreciate the comments . yes freezer ful;l f deer moose and my parents just butchered one of our cows too so we have way way too much meat lol.

ocf. i started seein alot of moose behind heber, check out the west fork of the duschene river. lotta good area and no one was hunting on it. and mill hollow they have been high up i shot this bull going up center street in heber until you got on to the unita he was only a couple miles from the corrals when you get on to forest land. and down that mill hollow road someone told me they seen two nice bulls after i already shot mine down near the ranger sation. i would check all that area and i think they have been hangin in the higher stuff . o check out along strawberry river just barely up the road like a mile or two there were two bulls there watch all that flats along the tree line on the left side of the road when heading up they were in there probabl mid 30s bull small palms i think a 5x6
6x6 bull
Great Job Ox!!!!!! No bull moose in my opinion is a dink. Thats a great bull, big time congrats.
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Nice Bull. This is the same Tag I have this year - But I'm Still out there looking for the Big Boys for now!! I have been finding the same results - either dont find any or there just a bunch of small boys chasing the cows. Hopefully I will find him this weekend!!!
I seen some big moose by east canyon wednesday if that is in your area
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Good job on your moose. Moose are an interesting creature and all are worthy of being hunted. We call moose like that Elmo, and they look very impressive on the wall. Congrats.
Nice bull i cant wait to go hunt one of these next year