Well, I started the job search!

Just thought I'd give my friends here at MuleyMadness an update.

As you know, I will be retiring from military service here rather shortly and "officially" started the job application process last week. Thus far I have applied for a number of positions and am just waiting to hear if anyone is interested. Again, I just started last week so I don't expect to hear anything quite yet but I'm staying hopeful in the face of adversity in today's market.

Thus far I have not been too picky. Most of the jobs are in law enforcement of various kinds but I have also applied for a few "random" positions just in case.

A few of them are Vehicle Enforcement Officer, Corrections Officer, Liquor Enforcement Officer, etc.

Funny thing is, law enforcement is not/was not my first choice but it seems that of all the jobs that are currently available in my neck of the woods, these seem to be the ones I am most qualified for. But, I've always been interested in this type of job so it's certainly not something that I am "settling" for.

I guess the waiting game has begun. I will continue to apply for various jobs/positions and will let you know if/when I hear anything.
Best of luck to you on your job search! I definitely know how tough it is right now. One of these days I am going to have to buckle down and get a job. I've got more than a few resumes out there but I'm am being a bit picky.

See, told you that you should have put in that LDO/CWO package. This is the main reason I did it. I'm about 99% positive my last few years would have been more rewarding if I had never submitted that package in the first place, but right now is one of the major reasons I did.

I did get a line on a couple of positions today that I've already applied for, hope to hear something in the next week or two myself!
good luck to you hawk! it is a tough economy out there right now but fortunatly places are still looking for good guys to work for them. i'm sure you'll fit right in :thumb
Any luck of update on a job search?
LOL..yea ABert, I hear ya...to an extent. I know it would certainly help now but it's a day late and a dollar short at this point.

Killer: Thanks man. Keep your fingers crossed that others agree with ya!

Brett: Nothing yet. Just started throwing resumes out last week and most of the jobs I applied for don't even start reviewing applicants until the first or second week of March. Again, I'll just keep throwing my name and resume out there and hope for the best.

Funny, for twenty years I looked toward retirement with great anticipation. Now it feels like I am waiting for my date in court with a life sentence at stake! lol
Hawk, Have you considered being a Game Warden or Wildlife Officer? If so you might want to throw some applications out to Colorado DOW, Wyoming G&F, Utah DWR, Montana FWP, WA, ID and some other states. If you have a police background that helps.
Good luck on your search.

If you do get the vehicle enforcement officer job go easy on all of us MM members lol

I like hiker's suggestion. I've met several game wardens that are stand up guys and others that are a disgrace to the position. Would love to have someone like you out there. It's always better when the game wardens are hunters themselves. They tend to treat people more fairly.

Regardless of your decision, here's wishing you the best of luck.
Jeff, I have thought about that. However, our wonderful governer has done such a great job with our state budget that the Fish and Wildlife department here is going to start laying off folks this June in response to budget cutbacks. Things are lookin' pretty bleak here as far as that goes.

Right now I have concentrated on jobs around my area. I am worried about relocating because trying to sell my house in this market is not a pleasant thought at all. However, I have already told myself that if I don't get any bites here I will start throwing applications out to other states. If I have to go it alone and leave the family here I will do so but the family seperation was the driving force behind my retirement from military service to begin with.

However, ya gotta go where the money is in today's market.

Thanks Enuf...and of course I'll take it easy on the guys and gals here at MM!!!.. lol
Our Department is still hiring......and we recruit at all military bases so your military experience would be a benefit. Of course, you'd have to live down here! :>/
Yea Roy....I know...LOL. As I stated before though, if it comes right down to it I'll have to go where the paycheck brings me. We'll see but I am still holding out hope that I'll be able to stay up here.

Keep your fingers crossed, my friend.
DANG! I got home from work today and had a voice message on my cell phone asking if I was interested in employment already! (I can't take my cell phone into my secure spaces so I leave it at home)

It's with AFLAC...not one of the jobs I've applied for, but they spotted my resume on careerbuilders.com and called me to see if I was interested.

It's now after hours at their corporate offices so I will call them tomorrow and see what they have to offer me.

Whether or not I take them up on the offer I'll take this as a good sign!
VERY COOL! that is good news :thumb
Thanks Brian! Funny thing is, my resume wasn't even on careerbuilders for 24 hours yet. I put it on there yesterday evening and had a call about 12 hours later. Again, I'll take that as a good sign, listen to what they have to offer me, and see what else pops up.
Hawk, Great news. I hope it works out for you. :thumb
Good luck to you Hawk.Hope everything works out for you. :thumb