Well my elk seasons were successes.
10/27/06 12:50pm
Well it was another great season here in Colorado. The freezer is stocked full, ready for some barbecues with friends.
First season I was out for some meat and scouting for bulls. The first couple of days I wasn't seeing any in my usual spots. I put a lot miles on the boots, it was nice to be out. 3rd day I decided it was time to get this cow hunt over with. I took a drive up after work in about five min. I had spotted some cows and calves about a 1/4 mile up an avalanche slope, the hunt was on. They were headed into a timber patch between ave slopes, I went to cut them off. The hunt went perfect I ended up in front of them as they were making their way through about eight inches of snow grazing a bit. I was within about sixty yards picked my cow out of the thick timber. All I could see was her head and front shoulder, not wanting to destroy any meat a head shot it was. It was so steep that after opening her up I was able to drag her down to the creek below. Quartered her up and hauled her to the truck.
2nd season bull hunt was next....
First season I was out for some meat and scouting for bulls. The first couple of days I wasn't seeing any in my usual spots. I put a lot miles on the boots, it was nice to be out. 3rd day I decided it was time to get this cow hunt over with. I took a drive up after work in about five min. I had spotted some cows and calves about a 1/4 mile up an avalanche slope, the hunt was on. They were headed into a timber patch between ave slopes, I went to cut them off. The hunt went perfect I ended up in front of them as they were making their way through about eight inches of snow grazing a bit. I was within about sixty yards picked my cow out of the thick timber. All I could see was her head and front shoulder, not wanting to destroy any meat a head shot it was. It was so steep that after opening her up I was able to drag her down to the creek below. Quartered her up and hauled her to the truck.
2nd season bull hunt was next....
Any pics to share?
Alright now where was I? Oh ya, got the cow hunt out of the way now it was time to go chase bulls. We had have been getting snow now for a month or so, many of the heards have been coming down out of the high country where I tend to hunt. I decided to backpack just a hour up into some of there early winter grounds just to see if they might be there yet. Got in a little after dark set up the tent and didn't really get much sleep as usuall before a hunt. The anticipation of what day light will bring tends to keep me up. During the night it snowed about six inches the morning was looking very promising. Spotted a cow and lots of deer at first light, that was it for the day, no tracks aside from cougar and bear. The elk were not there except for three lost cows. By late afternoon I decided to get out of there. Packed up camp and headed out.
Before getting to them a single animal jumped off of a bench above me, never saw him. I continued working my way towards my animals picking up what I figured to be their beds on the near side of the timber. It was gettng pretty intense about now, knowing that there were at least three bulls probably within about 150 yds. I decided to start working underneath them since the wind had now shifted to down hill. About 5 minutes later I had a bull in my sights. But all I could see was body and one tine. That wasn't enough. I stood there frozen with cross hairs on target for what seemed to be an hour. All of the sudden the bull layed down. I could now see that he was a legal bull (4pt for better) but he wasn't the big one that I had seen with the spotting scope. Never the less I was tired and decided I would take him. Well now that he was laying down all I could see was his rack and no body, not even head. The way the hill curved he was well hidden. Dark was not far so I figured I would make a move, while keeping an eye out for the others. I took about 7 steps up the hill and froze, there he went across the hill through the thick aspens. I continued to work across hoping to catch a glimpse but nothing.
Time to feed my son, be back later.
To make a long story short I caught up with two bulls in the bottom of the canyon right at dark. At about 400yds I could see two one of which was the big one. As much as it pained me I didn't take the shot, to far without much light.
The next day I did the exact same thing, sitting and glassing but focused a bit lower, figuring that they probably ate down low and bedded down. After sitting for few hours I couldn't sit any longer so I thought I would make a big loop, up and around the top of the canyon and back down where I left the bulls, getting there in the evening. I moved small groups around all day but saw nothing very big at about 4:30 I was back down where I left the bulls the night before. A little bit later about 130 yds there was a bull stairing at me through the aspens. I pulled up on him and tried to put the antlers together through the aspen branches. He was decent, squeezed the trigger, down he went. Turned out to be a pretty heavy old 5x5 with a couple broken tines. Sweeeet. Not the big one but pretty nice. Lots of bear sign so I figured I better get him out as soon as possible. I took a front leg and headed to the truck, which was only about 30 minutes away. Went to a camp and rallied up a couple of guys. We made one trip and got the rest. Done. Man I love this time of year. I'll get some pics up soon
Awesome job, and great story! :thumb
Thanks for sharing the story and picture.
Keep up the good work.