Well no luck for me on Archery!
9/7/09 8:19pm
Well I spent a couple of mornings over labor day weekend chasing Mule Deer. I came dang close Saturday morning. And well this morning basically blew it on several different levels. :)
Bowhunting is tough, and I need more patience and then better decisions in 'crunch' time in close. I think I'm to conservative and over cautious. Don't think I can get out again, so will try again for Muzzleloader and rifle.
Bucks in So. Utah are starting to RUB their velvet, saw one Saturday in full velvet and this AM is was blooding red with most of it gone. Cool sight.
I heard of or actually know of a MONSTER buck I was watching ALL summer was taken with a bow. Was kinda sad to see/hear he hit the dirt. But he was an awesome buck. I'll see if I can get some pics. If I had a tag for his UNIT I would have been after him like crazy.
Bowhunting is tough, and I need more patience and then better decisions in 'crunch' time in close. I think I'm to conservative and over cautious. Don't think I can get out again, so will try again for Muzzleloader and rifle.
Bucks in So. Utah are starting to RUB their velvet, saw one Saturday in full velvet and this AM is was blooding red with most of it gone. Cool sight.
I heard of or actually know of a MONSTER buck I was watching ALL summer was taken with a bow. Was kinda sad to see/hear he hit the dirt. But he was an awesome buck. I'll see if I can get some pics. If I had a tag for his UNIT I would have been after him like crazy.
It was cool to see that you had several good ones to go after. The area we hunt has had a lot of pressure of the last few years. On the archery hunt I saw several small one and a half year old bucks and 2 two and a half year olds. My buddy did see one 4 point in the canyon that is a 30" 190 - 200" class buck. If past years experience is the same this year I'll be one of about 20 tags looking for him. Hopefully your area has a little less pressure and you can get a good muzzy buck.
Best of luck.
I sure wish you would have arrowed one of those giants you were seeing. Keep at it and you'll get one.
In all the years I've been chasing critters with a bow and arrow, I've learned a few things. The biggest thing is the ability to be patient AND aggressive on the same stalk.......however, the key is knowing when to use each respective tactic. Knowing deer behavior is the key to success, IMO.
wish you coulda bagged one of those brutes BRETT.
i have been getting my BUTT handed to me by a group of 6 bucks for almost 2 weeks now. 2 nights ago i had 2 bucks, 1 i was going to shoot gladly, anywhere from 5 -20 yrds for 1 hr and 15 minutes! i dont think my scentloc suit works that great SO I PUT ON 2 SCENT LOC SUITS ON TOP OF EACH OTHER. i kid you not 75% of the time the wind was blowing to them. unfortunatly i could not move a muscle. at no time did i not have 1 of the 2 within 10 yrds and feedind towards me... talk about frustrating
i've been with in 70 yrds almost every night, but i wont shoot that far. getting within 50 has been a struggle. but on 2 occations i had them be TO CLOSE ](*,)
I know exactly what you mean, I've gotten pretty good at it with a camera in hand. Just not quite as good with the bow yet. Saturday morning everything was working to PERFECTION until the last 10 yards or so and I simple made the wrong move and basically knew it, but was stuck in a bad spot without a shooting lane. The thing that drove me nuts is I KNEW I was in a bad spot. I had one of the bucks I would have taken at a 33 yards and another big one close by only a couple yards further. I should have sealed the deal but didn't dare move anymore as I felt they would wind me or see me for SURE. I could see the tips of the antlers on one of them.
Sure enough they got up, moved out the back. I could have taken a shot walking, but didn't know the yardage (55 or so if I was to guess) but didn't want to risk it. Just watched them walk away SO CLOSE. I spent 2 hours getting in to position and messed up in the last 5-10 yards without a shooting lane. Could have arrowed a small 3-point, but wanted the big boys. :)
Then Monday morning is another story that I don't want to talk about, simple was impatient and a idiot. :)
Read my post in the Archery section. Trials and Tribulations of Mule Deer Bowhunting. I feel your pain. Rifle season is close though.
Bow isn't over yet.. closes in about 12 days.. but with the way the other 16 days went.. well.. clean the rifle. ](*,)